Tag Archive: yarn

NaNo Null

Yve shared on Facebook

Look what I got done today:

Yarns galore. None being told.

Shaking Head

Who makes cakes when they need 4,000 words?

I do.

Okay. Time to write. Maybe someday I can play with this yarn!

One-Liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook. Thanks, Peggy!
A part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

A Facebook Yarn

One-Liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook


My favorite Y-word!

I think this is my favorite yarn that isn’t wool. But I am almost out of it. I think I will get to the heel before running out. Luckily I have two more skeins of it lined up. By the way, the needles are not my favorite. These are the Knitter’s Pride Royale 47″ US size 8. Though I like the feeling of the wooden needle, the medal tips and bottoms snag on the yarn. The worst part is the company thinks it had solved with the rotary ends that are supposed to make the cord unkink. But whatever the cord is made of makes them permanently curl and get in the way.
This is enough to make at least four pairs of slipper socks.
The heel is coming along nicely on these bamboo yarn socks. By the way, that’s the Fleegle heel. I shared the YouTube tutorial earlier. The yard is thin but strong. The needles are ChiaogooRed Lace Circulars, 40″ US size 2. The tiny yarn and needles hurt my hands after a while.
Of the cotton yarns I have worked with, this is the easiest. It feels almost like wool. It is fuzzy. But it is also the kind that easily separates into threads and can be hard to work. The Chiaogoo Red Lace Circulars make it quite simple. See how the red cable just lays there out of the way? 40″ of useful cable holding the work. US 8
This soft Merino superwash wool is fingering weight. It feels nice. It is just thin. The Chiaogoo Red Lace Circulars 40″ US 2 are perfect for the job, but working the thinner yarns with thinner needles is harder on the hands, so I don’t spend as much time on these. A few rows at a time and I got back to the thicker yarns and needles.
These are the hardest pair I’ve worked on. The needles are not only thin but short. I have to have four either HiyaHiya Sharp Fliers 8″ US 1 or short Chiaogoo Red Lace 9″ US 1. Both are sharp, and I’ve needed to get leather thimbles to save my fingers the holes and calluses. I’m nearing the toes. I think I won’t work with these again. These socks don’t fit anyone I know. I more or less planned these as an experiment. So they will probably end up in the charity bag. They’ll fit a child.
I saw this pattern advertised on Facebook. I loved the concept so much that I ordered it and pulled out my crochet hooks. As long as I keep my sessions short, I don’t find it too painful. This is a great way to use up all the little leftover yarns. I’ll feature this more as I have only finished about four baby turtle bellies. They are smaller than the palm of my hand. I can’t wait to finish this project. I think it will be so much fun!

I haven’t used a lot of Ys. I love that letter because I can think of YOU and YOURS. I can be positive with Yes, I can! There are so many more, but I still have to work with my other yarning: CampNaNo. I lowered my goal to 12,500 words on Reflexions. I need to write 400-500 words a day to reach that on the 30th. On to Yarning on YWriter7.

Yarnie Birthday!

What a fun birthday I’ve had. I got to chat and talk with folks I love. I got to birthday shop at my favorite yarn shop, Willows, and talk knitting. All in all, I feel fortunate for all the love around me.

Happy birthday to my way younger twin. You know who you are ❤️

Now back to 9-1-1 (we are addicted to this show) have you watched it? Oh, and knitting.

And C.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “element.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thanks, Linda!

The elemental chart brings me to yawns. As crazy as I always was about science, chemistry class about did me in. Never a morning person, chemistry was first period. My teacher was a monotoned speaker. I did still come around for labs. I had a geek for a lab partner. She was fun and taught me well. I think it was due to her that I made a solid C+.

I always thought I could have done so much better if the class was later. If the teacher more excited about the subject matter. And if I could have approached the lessons with more creativity.

Drawing and coloring maps made the geography real. Singing the elements would have helped as little ditties always helped me remember. Games could have solidified information. I wish I was my own teacher!

Oh, nevermind. We all know my element. Creativity. Throw in some yarn and I’m in my element.

Who needs a chart?

Still kind of tired so the week is going slow. ☹️

I got new glasses.

$15 at Amazon. Blue Light Protection, well, what it says on the box up there. The bottom part is a 3.50 and it gradually goes less. I wish the top was just clear as I still have to glance over the top for farther away, like television. But they help a lot for reading, knitting, and Diamond Painting.

Speaking of which:

Half of the bird is done now. Oh. And I got a QuickStik. Still new at using it but some people love it. I’ll let you know later.

Oh, and using the ruler is wobbly after hitting the middle section of the picture. Again, maybe there’s a learning curve.

My friend gave me new yarn. Are you feeling the giddiness I felt receiving it? Whee! ❤️❤️❤️🤗

And this cotton blend calls to being spa slippers. Couldn’t even keep it off the loom!

I still haven’t climbed back into the editing chair. 😢 Maybe tomorrow or weekend will get me going.

It is slightly warmer lately, but the wind keeps me inside. Even so I’m cold. I’m working on my diet to see if that’s the problem. With some foods unavailable in our stores I’m needing to be creative. Time for some shifting around.

Yarn is one of my favorite words. I love words that have multiple definitions. You all know how much I love knitting, loom knitting, and crocheting. Yarn can just be a soft skein. Or it can be something already made. A sock or a a new sweater. And then, if the item isn’t done well enough it can be torn apart and made into something else. What a wonderful substance it is!

But it is also the fun of a tale. Of a story untold made into something woven with layers of characters of development and world building. I like to call myself Dream Yarner as I love to weave with drifting between soft places to land.

I also think of timelines of real life touching my past and future and the full reality threaded together in a yarn that knits family and friends in my life and the softness of love.

Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “yarn.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!


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