Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “zip, zero, zilch.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Have fun!

Zipping through hours of Diamond Painting and loom knitting socks. And I am having so much fun listening to book 8 of Outlander.

When our weather guy gave us the latest news on our drought, we found zero improvement. We are still at “exceptional” status. Worse than anywhere in Oregon. We are in the Outback or desert. But this has been the driest year since we got here. I have to admit to being really afraid of fire season coming up.

Now, I’ve got to confess, I’ve had yWriter7 open since I woke up early this morning. Zilch. But I promise all of us I will meet my 20k goal before bed tonight. Otherwise I count on zero, zip, zilch sleep.

Autobiographies/memoirs are far harder than making it up in you head and playing with imaginary friends!
Whew! 20,100 words! And that only has me to age 21. So many I’ll set the goal for 20k each month to keep it moving

At least I can sleep tonight.