Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “chews/choose.” Use one, use ’em both, use ’em any way you’d like. Bonus points if you get ’em both in. Have fun!

Choosing between this and that can be difficult at best. Especially if you are not great at making choices. I will chew on a decision for hours, even seemingly easy selections. A salad or frozen veggies? Yogurt or cottage cheese, chocolate or caramel. Trying to be healthy makes the decision for me, sadly. And beyond that most preferences aren’t life or death. Most aren’t even resulting in monetary wealth or poverty. Yet, I can be frozen as if the wrong alternative will be the end of the world.

Others could already be chewing happily on their appetizers while I’m dazzled by the menu like a deer in headlights.

And we only go out once or twice a year! You’d think it would be easy. Just pick something!

This isn’t just a food thing. I need to call someone. Who to call, when to call, should I even call? Usually the day goes by and I realize I never called anyone. Every decision of my life seems of equal depth. I know it shouldn’t be that way. I know other people just move along doing life.

Me? Let me chew on it. I’ll let you know in my next life.😥