Tag Archive: Adult

The Valley of Horses (Earth's Children, #2)The Valley of Horses by Jean M. Auel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think this is my favorite of the series. This time, I only listened to the Audible. Before I had a chance to write this second review, I moved on to the next book. This is such a fun series! I stand by my previous review below.


This second book in the series was more exciting than the first. Jean Auel has created such believable characters who dwell in an equally believable world.

By reading the Kindle version while listening to the Audible version, the story comes to life. Sandra Burr’s narration is well done.

Horses. Need I say more?

Tags: audible, feminism, herstorical-fiction, history, horses, kindle, read, womyn

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Talking while Diamond Painting is so much fun. Thank you, Cher!

The flounder flopped when I had to go back to work. The laundry is still sitting in front of me to fold. I may not get to all the music fun tonight. I may be down on the sea bottom with the flounder as I am so tired.

But here’s how far I got on the Sea Turtles:

Almost done and already know where it is going! Nice to know these guys will get a good home!

Piglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His FamilyPiglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His Family by Melissa Shapiro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my goodness! This book was fun from the very beginning. My eyes have difficulties tracking to read; even since cataract surgery fixed a lot of my issues, tracking remains nearly impossible. I have been an avid reader since I was little. Reading was slow going, but I got through the ten books allotted by the library every three weeks. The heft of the books was unwieldy, but I didn’t ask for help.

So, I began reading this book on my old phone using the Kindle app. It took me quite a while to get through even half the book. Finally, I caught up with the Libby audiobooks I had checked out, and Piglet became my bedtime book. Now, I could use text-to-speech and speed up the reading quite a bit. And give my eyes a rest.

Another reason I got into this book is my own dog, Kali, passed last spring after being nearly blind and having doggy dementia and bad hearing. It was so hard at the end of her life, but we had such a hard time from the beginning trying to learn from each other that the bond for her was strong in the end. I miss her so much and feel the need to help another dog as soon as I can. Meanwhile, Piglet helped me. Now I feel even stronger about getting another dog. I know there is one out there that needs me as much as I need him or her.

I think this book has a couple of other inspirational stories within. Melissa Shapiro is a veterinarian who tells her story of how she and her husband got together. Then, she shares her children’s aspirations with music. She tells of their college experiences.

By the way, one of her daughters and her husband have honest and raving reviews on the Piglet GoodReads page. I was delighted to read these as I felt I knew them from the book.

This book is full of the good feels a person needs these days. I look forward to looking all over the internet to find videos and follow the dogs, Melissa, and her family, and all the good they are doing for disabled people and animals.

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When I feel I am floundering, I need to remember the floundering Ms. Shapiro and her husband went through with that one-pound blind, deaf puppy screaming his needs to them. Floundering is how one finds one’s balance. That is what February gives me. Meanwhile, today my turtles got a little more colorful.

Exit Strategy (The Murderbot Diaries, #4)Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story continues. Again, it is fast. I hardly started reading, and suddenly, it was over.

Kevin R. Free (Narrator) makes the story come to life. And though the actual robot isn’t male or female, his voice makes me think the robot is male. I have to keep readjusting my visuals.

I love how the robot, programmed to kill, is finding ways to reprogram itself to save people and care for ideas and other robots.

I was lucky to pick this up on Libby and can’t wait until the next book is available.

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Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries, #3)Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Far too short! I finished another book way before it was time to sleep, but finished this before I was actually sleepy!

All of the books in this series are fun. I love this murdering, well, programmed to do so, robot. Watching his conscience grow as he becomes a person in his own right is heartwarming and hilarious. In spite of himself, he protects the people and even other robots. The things he speaks in the inner dialogue the reader is privy to surprise or make you laugh out loud.

This book just felt like a continuation of the last two books, just a new situation to maneuver.

I have already put the next in the series on hold on Libby. If you haven’t discovered Libby, you should, especially if you have a lower-than-adequate income.

I just learned that Apple TV has this series. I’d love to see this acted out.

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My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's SorryMy Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The reviews on this book are all over the place. I think it might read differently if you read with your eyes. I was fortunate enough to pick the audio version up on Libby. Joan Walker (Narrator) made this book so fun and played the grandmother as well as she did the seven-year-old Elsa. She played the fantasy bits with so much energy that even the stories within the story jumped to life in my mind.

A friend recommended it to me when we were talking about the show A Man Called Otto that is on Netflix. I loved that movie so much that I have ordered the Audible version for later. But I love how the author, Fredrik Backman, blends unique characters with the mundane of life.

I have to admit to being taken aback that the author is male, as he brought up many of the issues of the modern woman and her family. I felt he wrote with a neutral point of view while holding onto the grandmother and the little girl and their individual visions of the world.

If I found this when my children were young, I would have read it aloud to them stopping to talk about the issues as they come up. There is a lot of cursing, but if a child of 12 hasn’t bumped into that in real life, you are keeping them under an imaginary rock, and you may not realize what they hear. So reading it as the grandmother and characters speak would give a person an opportunity to explain why or when that talk is appropriate, or not.

But even if you are reading sans children, you can enjoy it from your inner child. I highly recommend this book.

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Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries, #2)Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Okay, I didn’t love this as much as the first one, but it kept me wanting to read more of the series.

Kevin R. Free (Narrator) reads the story with enthusiasm.

Sorry this is so short, but I want to go find the next one and read it soon! I read it on Libby!

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All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)All Systems Red by Martha Wells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, this was clever and different. And a very short read. But Kevin R. Free (Narrator) keeps the story moving and interesting.

Who knew that Murderbots kept diaries? Well, that represents the humor of this science fiction. My friend, Yvensong, raved about it. She was right. It was a lot of fun.

I was lucky to find this on Libby, but I may buy the whole series soon.

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All the Light We Cannot SeeAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now I can’t wait to see the movie! This was a good book! Anthony Doerr wrote beautifully, and Zach Appelman could do all the characters very well. In fact, when he did the female voices, I didn’t hear the belittling tone I usually hear when a male portrays a female.

This was a scary step to take after the heavy historical facts of Rachel’s book. I was so worried that I couldn’t handle what happened to the beloved characters in the book. It doesn’t end with a happily ever after, but it felt real yet enlightening and full of love.

To show how captivating this story was, I didn’t get to sleep until 4:30 this morning, and I had a long drive to stay awake for today. So far, the strength of the characters in the book sustained me. Maybe by this weekend, I can watch the show.

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The Rabbit HutchThe Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Okay, the truth is I am only 50% finished. And that was pushing it for a couple of nights.

No. Just no. I am not in the mood for little character discoveries. I am a deep-series person. Not getting to know my imaginary people any better than a pass on the street is not something I can handle.

Please don’t get me wrong. I am not saying YOU won’t like it. You may very well love it. Check out the reviews. They are so varied. It’s just not for me.

I must admit to loving the voices of Tess Gunty (Author and narrator), Scott Brick (Narrator), Suzanne Toren (Narrator), and others. But it was not enough for me. I need more story in my books than what they offered.

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The BreakawayThe Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From my stationary bike, I felt a part of this story. It inspired me to hope that maybe I would find my way to getting a real bicycle that would work out here in the dirt road backcountry I find myself a part of.

This seems a gentle beach story at first. But soon, a person can see there are many subjects brought up from the character’s point of view. A person needs to see all the layers of the story involved. Some may not agree with the views presented, but grab what you may and enjoy what you can. Mostly enjoy this young woman’s life and journey as she finds her way to adulthood.

I was lucky to be able to read this Kindle edition through NetGalley. Thank you.

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