Tag Archive: backpacking

Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart: An Adventure on the Pacific Crest TrailThru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart: An Adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail by Carrot Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book will stay with me for a while. Erin Spencer (Narrator) made me feel like I was right there, on the trail, soaking wet or extremely tired. Sometimes a narrator is so good that you think it has to be the author as they seem to maintain the cadence of the written speech as if it were their own. It was fantastically done.

That means the writing was natural and felt genuine. This was a journal of sort of the hiker, Carrot Quinn. She was honest and told the good and the bad of her travels. There were times that I laughed out loud at what happened. And there were tears of seeing the incredible scenery and tears of hurt along the way.

I have to admit I want to do this. But it seems so far away from possible when just getting the dog and I out for our mile walk is tough. A windy day will keep us in. Rain is my dog’s least favorite. She won’t go out, yet I have the raincoat and boots and plenty of umbrellas. Snow is my favorite, but my dog can’t handle it very long, even with coat and pad coverings, so we walk around the yard. So much for my trek.

So it is fun to live vicariously through those who do the long hikes or marathons. Inspiration helps with daily life and gives hope for more.

I want to read this again soon.

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Prodigal AngelProdigal Angel by N.R. Champagne

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I was gifted this Kindle version of the book for an honest review.

As for star rating I would have given the story 3 1/2 stars. Not that the story was bad. It could just be me. I am a little over angel and or demon books. That isn’t the author’s fault. It is just what I have spent a lot of time reading for other authors. Luckily, the book doesn’t label the people as angels and demons per se. They are just other beings.

There is a lot of death and destruction that would have had me leaving the book behind, but the main character, Miranda, had won me over. I thought she was well developed. She felt real to me. And I liked her.

Many times the story gets a bit preachy on ecology and global warming. But since I believe we need to wake up and start being stewards of this planet, I didn’t mind. Others might find that off putting.

One of the fun parts of the book is getting to go along for the ride, be it bicycle or trailer truck. Miranda has quite the adventure while staying healthy.

There is a bit of romance, not too much. There are a few triggers for some people. But the bad people get their due.

Give it a try. You may like it. I might like it better if I read it again later.

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