Tag Archive: crochet

This post is part of Just Jot it January, and the prompt for today, Craft, comes from Astrid. Check out her blog here!

I love being retired. After a lifetime of crafts that I never had the time to dive in whole, even though I had a lot more money, there was no energy at the end of the day, nor the time. Being able to deep dive until the muse is used up on a topic or drive.

Diamond Painting is calling me back, and now that the bigger knitting project is finished, the Dragon from last year needs the sealant so I can send it off.

Oh, that’s the thing about these crafts; it is delightful to indulge deeply, but it is so much better to have someone to gift the finished products to. I know some actually sell their works. But I just can’t get to that point. I don’t like a timeline, and I get too perfectionistic the minute I think someone else will see it or pay for it. The minute ‘time is money,’ it is called a job. I can’t. I just can’t.

But yummy yarn, loom knitting, crocheting, Tunisian crochet, diamond painting, drawing, Zentangles, playing with my wig or my own hair (a throwback to my first career of being a cosmetologist), all my musical instruments recorders, ukelele, piano, singing, coloring, rainbow looming, writing, reading. There are many I’m afraid I’m leaving out, and I feel like a bad parent for neglecting them to the point of forgetting their names! And are they all considered crafts? Then there’s macaroni. Oh, yeah, that’s spelled with a ‘K’!

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

Just a Quick Update

No picture because 6 feet of one panel and nearly 6 feet of one side panel is too wobbly to hold up. So stay tuned. I hope to have the Afghan finished by Monday. Wish me luck! Taking Advil and getting back to work.

The Vampire Knitting Club Boxed Set: Books 4-6The Vampire Knitting Club Boxed Set: Books 4-6 by Nancy Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This review is for the Audible edition with this ASIN: B09Z7BLVY4, with Sarah Zimmerman as narrator. The writing is marvelous, but Ms. Zimmerman’s acting is superb!

This series is so much fun that I can’t wait for the next box-set batch of books. As of the middle of the night, I’m already on to books 7-9. It is so much fun it is hard to leave the books and actually go to sleep at night.

Not into vampires, no worries. No biting happens; none of the scary or boring vamps who do interviews. Not conversant in knitting? No problem; no patterns are thrown in the works to get tangled in.

Yet, if you have had some experience with either the undead or yarn, you will feel the author is writing for you personally.

There is a little paranormal romance, but not enough to gum up the works. There is witchy fun despite the cozy murders that keep happening in each book. Regardless of these inabilities, the un-undead, non-knitting heroine will get it figured out.

Now back to my reading/listening fun.

View all my reviews

The Vampire Knitting Club Boxed Set, Books #1-3The Vampire Knitting Club Boxed Set, Books #1-3 by Nancy Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, boy!!! This was so much fun!!! I’ve already picked up the next box set of three books. Sarah Zimmerman, the narrator, made this story even more fun.

Though we had vampires, there was no blood-sucking. And though knitting was part of the story, no patterns were given. Though for some of us, that would be fun to try, I think that would steal the magic from the story. And not all crocheters are saints! That’s all I’m saying about that.

And you don’t have to be a knitter or a vampire lover to love these stories. Just be ready for magic.

View all my reviews

One-Liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook

One-Liner Wednesday

Thanks, Laura, for the cutest owl ever!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
One-Liner Wednesday

Click on the pic to enlarge that picture in the corner. My new DP.
It came with this sheet of paper. Not only the symbol for the color but quantity. And another pic to show what you’re working on.
As all kits so far, the wax and pen. I love the little white tray. Most have the green ones that don’t line the diamonds up so well.
And rather than a long strip of drills, each color has it’s own baggy. The bags of black. Yikes!
The other side of the drill package.

But that’s not all I’m working on.

I want a collection of the many Fair Isle, self-striping super washed wool cakes from Willows. I just discovered I don’t have a hat of my own. I’m hoping one of these will fit me, if not gifts!
Both these hats are being knitted on ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars 16″ cables, the brown hat has size 6 US, the pink size 7. This wool is so soft!
I’m still working on the HiyaHiya Fliers sock. I only have that Pretty White skein. It is a light green. At first this was only an experiment. I had planned to frog the sock when satisfied, but I’m so happy with how it’s going that I want to make a pair. So I picked up the denim color to help there to be enough yarn for a small sized pair of socks.
I wanted to be finished with these boot-socks today. But I still need to do the Kitchener cast-off on the last toe. Sadly these  turned out slightly too large for the giftee. Maybe they’re okay for slipper socks. They will be warm!!!
These bamboo on the CinDWood sock loom are nearly to the cuff and finish.
These socks on the Flexee fine-gauge loom are nearing the heel part that will be white like the toe.
Two more projects hang out in the bin as there isn’t enough room to have everything out. Cotton slipper socks on Flexee fine-gauge loom. And a plarn water-bottle carrier. That’s a crochet so not as finger friendly for me.

That’s all I can think of. My poor writing project seems stalled again. Maybe after Christmas I’ll have less pressing projects and can get back into it.


Thrilled Thursday

I just found out that my author friend, Gita V. Reddy, has posted her books on YouTube. Here is the one about the Knitted Animals:

The Hat Lady and her Animals (Picture Books for Kids)The Hat Lady and her Animals by Gita V. Reddy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun little story with plenty of lessons. A story in kindness. A story of using your talents to help others. A story about yarn skills.

By the way, Darlene only knits in this case. The yarn comes from, and finished products go to Hugger Hats. Those amazing ladies in the group are the ones that collect yarn and distribute the finished toys and hats to the needy. But I understand keeping it simple for the story’s sake.

I have to admit to being more than uncomfortable seeing my name in the story. But once I got used to it, I loved what the author was trying to convey.

Though the toys in the story were not the ones I made, I would love to put patterns in the book for those who wanted to learn. Many children love knitting. I was twelve when I learned to crochet and knit.

The little stuffed animals were adorable. Easy the pup was my favorite. But the cat couple was so sweet. I can’t wait for the Hugger Hats to see this story more about the group than about any one person.

View all my reviews


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