Tag Archive: Diamond Art

Floundering February

How is it already Sunday, almost Monday? The weekends seem to affect me now as much as they did when I was working. Back then, the time that was my own was filled with all the things to get ready for the work week and take care of the house. Now it’s just a rhythm change. Chris and I watch sci-fi, fantasy, or disaster movies. Just kind of like our date time. Today we watched Daybreak on, um, I think it was Hulu. It was pretty good to be so old.

Before we found a good show to settle on, we were watching vet shows and Sunday Morning and UU, where they celebrated Mardi Gras. 

I got a bit more of the Sea Turtle done. (Just the back leg and tail).

The backlighting seems to show all the wavering lines. Guess I need to hit it with the straight edge to straighten it out. What’s funny is that that little tail bit took longer than the sea parts. I think I am not used to the confetti coloring and need to get more efficient with my trays. I’ll share that later. I think this is going to be pretty when finished with all the colors.

Time to do the recorder. Then scales on the keyboard. I do think all this floundering is making progress. But it is slow, for sure. By the way, I took a few moments while the computer wi-fi loaded that sea turtle picture, to practice chord changes and You Are My Sunshine on the uke.

Practice makes progress.

Sunday Smiles

Yay! Charity socks finished!

Finished the right third and top of middle third.
I took this when closing down yesterday. This was before I started on the middle. It is soothing, and cooling to work on this one.
This pair of slipper socks will be finished this weekend.
Toes done on this pair. It’ll take some time before they are done. They are bigger and finer-gauged.

On the writing front, I’ve entered a few more of my books into yWriter. I even worked on the memoir a bit. Now that I’ve moved into the new laptop I’m having a bit more time to get creative again.

It may seem I’ve been reading a lot. The fact is, when the electronics were down, I got behind in reviews and writing. Now I’m finally catching up.

Been busy. How was your week?

Finished Friday

Yahoo! I can report something finished on an actual Friday!

Tomorrow I seal and washi tape frame. The next is already calling me.

Side one of heart, done. Forgive Kali hair. I thought I had brushed it all off. She missed me so much she left momentos on my chair. 😉
To the ankle of these. It won’t be long.
After a couple frogs and restarts on this pair, new toe on the right is nearly ready to finish the Kitchener cast-on. In fact, now that they are out, I think I’ll continue right now.

I have company still, who also enjoys diamond painting and loom-knitting so we are having fun watch shows, chatting, and hobbying. Two weeks of fun!

I brought my little kit with me. My friend and I sat and DPed while watching The Umbrella Academy.

It’s been in the 100s so sitting around in the cool house made for quieter fun.

Here’s what I got done so far.

Bits of the kit. How the moon looked before the diamonds.
First side finished yesterday.

Back side finished today. I still have a couple more forms to work on. This kit is portable and easy to do in small bits.

I’ve got a pair of socks going, too.

Just a couple of rows and it’ll be time for the heels. This yarn is soft. It’s charity yarn so these will go to the giveaway bag. I need to take the bag to the charity. It’s getting full!

We took a little trip to see our friend. It was good to see her healthy. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company at a park. Starting the visit with a COVID test to make sure the exposure she had from a previous meeting was negative is a weird way to start a visit. But we are rather in that vulnerable population so we have to be careful. She was negative. So we celebrated life.

I’m having a blast this week. Friends and my adult children on long visits are building my memory banks with love.

I ordered this.6 Pack 5D Diamond Painting Kit,Diamond Painting Kits for Adults ,Full Drill Diamond Art Diamonds Gem Art Drill and Dotz 12″ x 16″ (Waterfall) https://a.co/d/bCUypkJ

I didn’t need all six. I gave all but two away. This is the one I kitted up today.

I can’t wait to get started! Hope I can handle all this purple. It isn’t the end result but the process I love.
Happy Tuesday!

So unfortunately the lighthouse is finished. My next project won’t be here until Wednesday. I’m at loose ends. Meanwhile, I still need to straighten, seal and hang it.

I finally hung the tea dragon on the tea cabinet. My phone camera was being weird.  It looks far better than this.

I’m nearing my goal on my memoir for Junowrimo.

Look! Only 367 until 50k! Oh yeah. Snap! That wasn’t the goal for June. 55,100 is the goal. I think I can…
Sock number one is nearly done. Probably finishing it tomorrow.
I know we can!

Time to look at works in progress.

Sock on the left ready to cuff. Sock on the right ready for ankle.
Almost done.

But if you’ve been following. I’m spending a lot of time reading. Even reading out loud. I know that seems something small. But my eyes have never been able to see to track and read properly, even though reading has always been my favorite pastime.

So I’m in training now so that my dream of sharing my books and podcasting will happen. I picked up

12Pcs Dyslexia Tools for Kids Dyslexia Reading Strips, Colored Overlays for Dyslexia Transparency Reading Guide Strips for Kids Correction Gel Lighting Filter (11.7 in x 8.3 in) to help me track better.

I will use these on books and computer screen.

I’m still checking out Librivox to read aloud books and Audacity to help record podcasts and books.

So busy!

I’m loving the sunset part of this lighthouse picture. This one is confetti so I work it like this:
I gather little bits of each color represented in the block I’m working. So far it works for me.

Sometimes I pop them on in a row, or by one color at a time. But I love to pop the drills on in checkerboard.

See the sun area? After checkerboarding I fill in the missing bits and find I don’t need to straighten the lines as much.

Now if only I could see the real thing. Diamond Painting does bring a bit of that peace.

A quick summary of everything else. I only skipped Morning Pages one day last week.

My memoir, Moving, is moving along but behind.

Two pairs of socks are growing row by row, much more slowly lately.

My hands found their way to play recorders this week.

My eyes actually made progress in reading real paper books. I do get tired still so I’m looking into ways to train my visual tracking.

Two books are waiting for reviews.

How was your week? Oh, and Have a great weekend!


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

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How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


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Episodes of Daily journal

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