Tag Archive: Flexee fine-gauge

Making Monday

My first try with 4 double-pointed needles. Tomorrow I am taking my first lesson. I need to learn how to fix mistakes, how to make the heel and toe. This soft wool yarn will make gifts.
My first attempt at making a sock with the HiyaHiya Fliers. This may make a small solo sock that will be frogged when I have enough tiny yarn to make a full pair.
Still love my Flexee Fine-Gauge loom for making socks. They are easy on my hands. This yarn is very soft. To be gifts.
Bamboo/cotton on the CindDWood sock loom. Soft non-allergenic yarn for gifts.
About 1/4 finished.

I haven’t touched the toys. I just don’t like the sewing and stuffing. Mastering the inner child of the 72 year old is harder than when I was younger! I have a similar problem with straightening, sealing, and framing the Diamond Paintings. And I haven’t the foggiest idea who would want the paintings.

Too bad there isn’t an assembly-line set up for those who love to sew, stuff, line, and frame products. Hobbies should make happiness not more work!

Finished the right third and top of middle third.
I took this when closing down yesterday. This was before I started on the middle. It is soothing, and cooling to work on this one.
This pair of slipper socks will be finished this weekend.
Toes done on this pair. It’ll take some time before they are done. They are bigger and finer-gauged.

On the writing front, I’ve entered a few more of my books into yWriter. I even worked on the memoir a bit. Now that I’ve moved into the new laptop I’m having a bit more time to get creative again.

It may seem I’ve been reading a lot. The fact is, when the electronics were down, I got behind in reviews and writing. Now I’m finally catching up.

Been busy. How was your week?

I only titled it that way to remind me once again. It’s been every day of the week today. I hate it when it’s like that.

I’m sorry for not getting down to personal bits here. Seems I’m barely showing up since my little vacation. My rhythm is way off.

The only consistent thing is knitting. Here are the newest slipper socks I finished yesterday.

Sadly the cell didn’t pick up the deep purple.

Oops! Speaking of purple. My other constant. Though not as much time is spent diamond painting as I’d like.

I think of this as the purple planet. It goes with the book I’ve listened to while working on it.

Busy is calling. I’ll check in more tomorrow.

#Making Monday

Because I don’t like sarcasm or facetious remarks, I’ll forgo the #JusJoJan for this last day.

I don’t know if I shared the black painted “framed” *TARDIS in Starry Night.

Didn’t get the whole picture but I think you get the idea. Now I need to pick up some Command Strips to hang it on the wall.

Here’s a little for those who haven’t crossed paths with Doctor Who.<— Wiki

Here is the progress on my newest diamond project. In five days I’ve manage the lower right, of the sandy beach of Beach Sunset. The whole preview on the right. Sideways. This one is worked horizontally and sideways. I need to use the straightener to get my lines more even.

The slipper socks are nearly finished. I’m still working the cuffs.

What are you working on?

In the moment, I feel uninspired. In the moment, I feel accomplished.

Another pair for charity.
The next pair toe to foot.
In the moment, I wish I had a TARDIS I could fly away on. But that might take energy and/or inspiration as to where or when to go. Instead, in the moment, I prefer to be knitting or Diamond Painting.

Enjoy your weekend! I’m enjoying mine!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “In the.” Start your post with the words “In the” – that’s the prompt! Enjoy!

Sunday Slipper Socks

I think these will be cozy on somebody’s toes.

Kitchener cast-on done on the left, nearly done on the right. Black yarn nearly gone. Another pair of scrappy slippers in progress.

Finished Friday

HOTL! (Hot off the loom). Just finished this hat. It is the pink and blue yarns combined. It is soft and warm. I think someone who receives it will love it. It turned out to be a snugger hat than using just one yarn at a time. So a smaller adult. Added to the charity bag with a bit of jealousy cause I love it. But I have plenty of hats in my own yarn.

So the specs:

Flexee fine-gauge loom, 80 pegs. Fold-up brim. All flat knit stitched. GoodKnitKisses 6 row decrease at crown. Move loops to remove every other link. Once more with the 6 row decrease. Then gather bind-off. Boom!

Just in case you forgot the pink and blue hats (same yarn).

Ta Da Tuesday

Sometimes I love the results so much it is hard to resist keeping the item. But this one is headed for the charity. This yarn is so soft.

Flexee Fine-gauge, 80 pegs. Fold-up brim, flat-knit. 4×6 purl, knit basketweave. The bind-off is the Kristen GoodKnitKisses decrease then remove excess pegs to redo the decreases. I’ve used this method in my previous hats. I’d make a clickable URL but I’m writing this on my phone. It is acting up. 😥


Finished Friday

Yep. Another pink mohair hat. This one I added a little basket- weave. That’s just 4 knits, 4 purls done in 6 rows then reversing the order. I did the pattern 3 times. I like how it turned out. For more details the check out my previous hat.

Makings Monday

The looms and needles are busy. This pair of socks I considered my bedroom hobby. If the house was too cold, I could still have something to knit in the warm bedroom. Starting in the same place, same colorway, these two socks are so different. Still, I like the colors. I’m bringing them into the living room because I suddenly find myself drawn to them.

The CinDWood X(WING) loom is down a sock. So I am only featuring three arms of socks.

Here are the finished sock and its mate.

I think these will be my brother’s birthday present. I wish they fit me because they are so soft. But lucky for him, I think they will suit him. I’ll probably have the mate finished tomorrow.


Here are the triple frogged circular needle sock trials. The pink yarn is the provisional cast-on. The red metal thing is the needle holder. I love that little invention. On the cables are two toes. I think that frogging is coming up again as I can’t seem to manage that silly transfer that needs to be done. I shared the YouTube a couple days ago by VeryPink Knits; just look up 2 at a time toe up magic loop to learn how to do this before me. LOL! I don’t mind frogging once again to get the hang of it all the way through. That little bit below took me several days the first time. Finally, I can make a mistake within hours! ;-D


These last two socks I’m playing yarn chicken with. The purple/pink yarn is nearly out, so I mix it up with the blue/green. I kind of like the combo as it reminds me of a sunset over the water. The blue is for the heel and the cuff. There may be enough to make another pair of blue/green socks.

What are you making these days?



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