Tag Archive: #Floundering February

Diamonds (drills) are a Dar’s Dabbling Den best friend

Loving the peacock. Even the dark parts are colorful.
Only one more flounder day!

The diamond painting that I Flounder with is the recliner lighthouse.

The lighthouse is coming along. But not in the den.

This came in my memories today.  Kali, Rosey, and Teddy taking over my bed. Now it’s up to Rosey to do the job. 😥

On, the other side, my peacock got a corner filled in.

I worried about the black. But it’s a mixture of dark blues mixed with dark purple and pink. I’m loving it already. I wouldn’t be able to leave the art out with Teddy, or younger Rosey. Kali would have made it more fun as she would have kept me company.

Floundering is almost over. I think I’ve decided to use March for editing to get ready for April’s camp NaNo.

I’m going to be glad not to see this guy every day.

I can’t believe I’m involved in three diamond paintings at a time.  I straightened and sealed the Sea Turtles. So that on pay day I can mail it. It still looks the same so I’ll use a past pic.

This was a fun project!

While it was drying, I decided to go with the peacock next. So I’m geared up ready to go. Here’s the opening.

The usual pen, cushion, tray, wax and baggies. Those cellophane bags the drills come in were so full of static. I think because today was windy, snowy, rainy, and back to wind.
I can’t wait to start this beauty! I have books on that center fold hoping to iron it out by tomorrow. We
I got this much done so far on the lighthouse. Click on the picture to see the diamonds and empty symbols. I learned, just now, that this lightpad doesn’t need to stay plugged in. It can be charged! Yay! Small wins, ya know?
Except for hiding the yarn ends, I finished these.  They seem larger than the size 7. But as slippers they may work.

So the founding of the day was trying not to dump diamonds everywhere especially with static making them fly. I only have two hands people!

A while back I made the suncatchers. It was fun to sit in my recliner and save my back. So I picked up the bag  to hold smaller projects.


I have the lighthouse project and a lightpad in it near my chair.

It was nice that this little picture came with a separate key to the symbols.
It came with little baggies, pen, tray and wax, and tweezers.
I set up my containers. The picture is in that little cylinder.

I started today. I’m not very adapted to working like this.  The symbols are harder to work with than numbers and letters. I forgot to take a picture as I ran out of energy. Just know the picture is about two hands’width and one hand in height. So, tiny. It may be fast or a pain. We’ll see. So far the top right of the sky has happened.

Tomorrow I’ll straighten and seal the sea turtles. It is easier to work at the dedicated table than my recliner, so far. I know there are a lot of people who work from their beds. I find myself floundering around trying to keep neat and tidy. I don’t like scattering drills, that’s what the diamonds are called.

ADD means many projects. Keeping those separate and easy to get to is a struggle. ALWAYS!

How do you all keep your hobbies contained?

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “rhymes with ale.” Find a word that rhymes with ale, regardless of the spelling, and use it in your post. Enjoy!

It never fails to amuse me how stale everything feels in February. I long to get outside and start my daily walks. I dream of trails exploring the unknown areas.

Birds are setting up nests. We have chickadees and starlings sharing space above our front door. They take turns while standing on the porch rail. It is fun to watch them negotiate that space peacefully, it puts humans to shame!

The chickens wander out yard more freely as spring takes over winter space.

Quail run together in families. They always make me laugh. They have perfectly good wings but think they are more sophisticated than all that. February shows the beginning of new babies. Each family has structure and language. I almost think I understand. There’s a call that sounds like, ‘she’s outside!’ then ‘okay, relax’, then, ‘she’s gone now.’

February seems too early for mowing the hay. It’s interesting to watch the machines bale into cubes or cylinders. But alfalfa is getting ready to sprout.

With my diamond painting, I wonder if there could be a way to make the painting accessible to sight impaired. Might I call it Braille painting? I’ve always wanted to learn that. I can finger spell and have baby level sign language.

Oh, and here’s the finished sea turtles:

Ah, but the Flounder of the day, wouldn’t it be nice for a whale here? Aw, no worries. Please don’t all start wailing!

And not a whale!

Streaming along. I haven’t had kale in a long time. Mmm, kale chips sound yummy. I need to make some hummus.

Many of you don’t realize how wonderful it is to have mail delivery. Once or twice a week we drive to the post office. When we didn’t have a vehicle we walked the seven mile round trip. My walking goal is to walk that for fun!

Oh, another issue of February is how pale we’ve all become. Maybe it’s good we have to start slowly. But most of the time now, we don’t have to break thick ice in the outside water pail.

No matter what time of year, but because we’re longing to be outside, we see eagles, hawks, and owls that soar and sail in the sky. They are magnificent if not deadly to outside small furry friends.

Hmm. I think this stream went to the birds. Yep, that hit it on the nail!

I so hoped I’d be finished today but my back started hurting so I had to quit. But look how close!

Just the fin and head of under turtle, and a tiny bit of sea.

And, so close on this pair of socks. Just the cuff. So, again, probably tomorrow.

I hope these are size 7.

Toes done, now ready for that comfy arch part.

These will be small. I hope to try the fishlip heel on these. I’m told it is easy. If not I’ll tink back and do the Fleegle Heel. It’s so easy.

While Diamond Painting I enjoyed zooming with friends or listening to The Mammoth Hunters. While knitting, I have been enjoying The Flight Attendant. (A comedy, thriller yeah, more thriller.)

Sans popcorn this time.

February must be fading away as the flounder doesn’t seem so large.

I bet fellow flounder thinks sea turtles fly!

This Thursday, Floundering February

Thanks to Jane on Facebook.  My word. My life. And probably why Floundering works for me.

Why do I Flounder most with the simplest of prompts?

Rosey as we keep each other warm.

Sorry you’ve had to see these so often. It’s hard to photograph my recordering or uking it up.

Finishing bigger turtle’s top fin. If you click on the picture you can see tomorrow’s fun.
I seem to get hyper focused on these, too. I’m on #24 of 43. The thing about crossword puzzles is how you have to mind-read.
Starting the heels tomorrow. Trying for size 7.

I’ve been trying to rebinge The Walking Dead. I’m finally on season 11 on Netflix. This Sunday we’ll see the what happened to Rick and Michonne.

It has a lot of dark scenes. I don’t like how they show dark as I can’t see anything. I guess people who have better televisions can see but between our TV and my eyes, I tend to concentrate on my knitting rather than strain my eyes.

I’m enjoying a second read of the Clan of the Cave Bears. I love listening to this second book, Valley of Horses while Diamond Painting. It helps me sit there longer. I think this is my favorite of the series. Does anyone know if they ever did a TV series? No, there’s no way it could be as good as the books, but still it could be good.

My constant Flounder not just in February is with time to sleep. Especially if it’s a good book! Bedtime doesn’t even have diamond painting for a side distraction.

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “photograph.” Use it as a noun or a verb or both. Have fun!

Photograph. This brings songs and groups to mind that remind me of the times in the car with my teens in the late 90s. They were late to the Beatles and to Depeche Mode and the Cure. But we had fun with the 80s music mixed with my 60s fun.

Ah, but I have a photograph for you.

The last two of the suncatchers are finished and hanging. It is a cloudy day, so this is the best I could share today.

The picture looks easy. Even when I found it on Amazon. Looks easy. And the diamond painting part was. But this little kit wasn’t easy for my eyes or fingers when it came to the chains and the rings and connectors. Maybe if you are into jewelry making or trying it out, this might be a good start. But I don’t think so. As I scanned through YouTubes, I couldn’t find those bendie things anywhere. And they seem to need lots of pressure to close them tightly around the last ball of the chain. Maybe stronger fingers? It could just be me. You may have much better luck and talent with these. For me? I’ll stay with coasters or keychains for smaller diamond painting fun.

Speaking of which, here’s the photo of today’s turtle progress.

I’m ready to move on to the next section. I love this picture (and the photograph!)

Oops. I am floundering in how to bring up floundering. But I think today’s evidence is the suncatchers. Sometimes, when we flounder, we find what we can’t do.


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