Tag Archive: i-have-book-2

A Small World (Zombies! #1)A Small World by R.S. Merritt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Shreaking, fast running zombie. Yikes! At least they aren’t all skinny and slow. They have differences like the people they were before the virus. That’s my biggest complaint of The Walking Dead. If 70% of Americans are overweight, how would all the zombies become skinny? I’ll take that diet! LOL!

It isn’t the zombies that pull me into books about zombies. It is the survivors. You probably don’t get a choice who you spend the apocalypse with. Our ways of defining each other, style, size, shape, gender, age, etc., are wiped away. Good and bad show up. The good guy isn’t really when you put him against the zombies, the bad guy comes up with ways to save everyone. Moment by moment the apocalypse tests people. As I read/watch these kinds of stories I jump in and wonder how would I react, how would other people handle it all? Since the author gave us characters and their traits we are surprised and yet not at the reactions of trying to survive. I think there is a wisdom to how people can’t be enclosed in a box of what you think might happen. It is often the people that are scary, maybe more than the monsters.

In the above character arch, I find this book interesting. Mr. Merritt seemed to try and change things up to what you might expect in these kinds of situations. And he wrote the story in such a way that the reader doesn’t want to put the book away for the night.

BUT narratives that say Him and take me right out of the story. There were a few places an editor needed to be stronger. AND I’m not an editor! I usually don’t see oopsies. I get caught up in the story and rarely notice the problems. So if I see it, I am hesitant to recommend the book to my more astute friends.

My biggest problem is not finishing the book. Yep! Cliffhangers! HATE THEM!!! If I didn’t already have the next book from Kindle Unlimited (how I got this one) so I could move on I wouldn’t have moved on. If I had bought this, I would not buy the next!

By the way, are you being paid by Disney? It seems there are a lot of references along the way. I felt those rather out of the blue and weird. I suppose if the person is from Orlando, FL or Anaheim, CA, that would be a big part of your life, but most aren’t lucky enough to be near those, even in the apocalypse!

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My Alien (The Alien Chronicles Book 1)My Alien by Robin Martin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Though I have rated this three stars, I still went and bought the next book. I have to stay true to me and my feelings.

The first part of this book is a lot like The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Ugh! what a horrid book that was. So as this alien takes over this teen girl it feels just like that!

Then this turned into a YA. Yes, with all that angst! UGH! times two!

By this point, I was ready to throw the book away. But I couldn’t get my other book to load up. So I continued reading. Somewhere around the three-quarters mark, I somehow cared for a couple of the characters.

I didn’t like the ending, a bit of a cliff-hanger. But curiosity got the better of me. I want to see what happens.

If you liked The Host, you might love this book, too. If you love teen angst, this is right up your alley,

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Third Life: Taken (Life First, #3)Third Life: Taken by R.J. Crayton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a good ending to a good series. It was good because it offered plenty to think about. When a government can tell a person what they can or can’t do with their bodies, where does it end? Can they make you give up a kidney because it can save someone else? And who is held responsible when something goes wrong? And though there are scientists that can prove or disprove as much in the scientific realm as theologians can do the same with the Holy Books who can we trust?

Let’s say you decided not to give up your kidney. You feel you need it as much as anyone else. Where does your right to live stand in comparison to someone else’s? What if the government decided who should or shouldn’t have babies? Can you see what a sticky-wicket of a world it would be?

In this last book, which makes me sad to say as I will miss these characters, there are a wedding, a kidnapping, and healing while running for one’s life–or that of another. The action picks up and isn’t as slow as book two.

It has been nearly a month since I read this but I feel good reviewing as I feel I remember quite a lot. At least it made a big enough impact for me that I could remember the gist. **SMILE**

Now a quick question for the author: What was the purpose of the hidden room? Did I miss something? Or did I imagine a greater purpose than that given to us? Could there be more in store for us?

Anyway, I highly recommend this series. Sure there is romance but it doesn’t take over the main story and sometimes adds to it.

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A Woman LostA Woman Lost by T.B. Markinson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, that’s what I get for not writing the review the minute I finish reading a book. I have to take a moment away from the other books I’m reading to remember this one. Deep breath. Taking a moment. …

Let me start with how much I identified with the main character. No. I am not rich. My parents and brothers weren’t like Elizabeth “Lizzie” Petrie’s. But the cluelessness of what others feel. That’s where I relate. I could tell that others related to it too; the passages of highlighted passages were the ones I might have highlighted myself if I weren’t in such a hurry to see what happens next. Is she going to get the girl or live her life alone regretting that she didn’t see how she caused the break-up.

This was a contemporary story. T.B. Markinson wrote a believable tale in that the reader can feel themselves in the shoes of the characters, smell the trees, see the chipmucks of the Colorado area scampering in the areas Lizzie lives and camps in.

I loved this book so much that I made sure I had book two ready to go when I finished. I can’t wait to see what happens to Liz next.

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Girl On Horseback - Volume IGirl On Horseback – Volume I by Eileen Tidwell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My 12-year old self would have loved this book!

When I was in fifth grade and sixth grade, I had a friend who lived next door and she had a horse and a donkey. I would help her every day to feed, brush and clean up after these two. My friend, whose name was Marlene, told me I owned half of the donkey, Jenny. I never knew which half I owned but we would go riding a lot together and I preferred the donkey. One day we were riding on the hill behind our grade school. Marlene coaxed her horse to gallop downhill. I wasn’t about to be outdone, so Jenny and I started our run. But Jenny had a sense of humor. She stopped mid-stride and I tumbled head over hers and landed in front of her. Jenny hee hawed her amusement as did Marlene. I wanted to cry but couldn’t be seen as the cry-baby so I started laughing too. Jenny was forgiven immediately and we continued our trek, more slowly.

Anyway, like all girls that age, I spend my days drawing donkeys and horses. Still do in my doodling times. I dreamed of our times out riding. I still wish I could get out and ride horses. So this book gave me that experience. I was impressed with how vivid the author, Eileen Tidwell, painted the pictures of how to bridle or saddle or otherwise deal with horses.

Though this is labeled as a Christian book, it isn’t preachy. It merely states that the main character, Abby, went to church on Sunday and so didn’t get to ride her horse at that time, and she prayed when her horse was ill. I didn’t think that either of those story items necessary, but it didn’t distract from the story. The book is mostly about the girl learning her way around being with horses.

Maybe because of my age, I found the book less than exciting. I kept reading because it was about horses. But except for the bit about a flood near the end, the excitement just wasn’t there as I would have liked. Even so, I have book two ready for when I can get to it!

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Taxi - Timing (Book 4)Taxi – Timing by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The trauma that started in book/section three continues. It is so bad that it could be the end of the relationship between Carmen and her lover and even plays a part in her relationships with family and friends. But is time on her side? Is there a point where your trauma can isolate you to a point of starvation. Can she find her inner strength before everyone gives up on her?

This may be the most personal of all. If you haven’t lived with trauma that is that debilitating you might not understand what Carmen is going through. But I felt the author, Sophia Deluna, did a marvelous job getting inside the heads of characters of this section. And something I haven’t written about in my reviews of the previous Taxi installments is her writing. I love it! Her descriptions and ability to tell a story, reeling in this reader, hook, line and sinker. All the relationships seem real. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this story.

As with the other few bits of this story, I am most upset by the price per bit. I am now at the end of my budget for the month so I won’t be able to read part five for a month. It is this that is causing the less than five stars for me. At least with Kindle Unlimited I can still read a book when the money runs out. Oh well. I still have a few of Ms. DeLuna’s other stories downloaded to peruse over the next few weeks.

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The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3)The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series was so much fun that I wish I could go back and read it again, right now! I miss the characters and the wonderful voice of Jennifer Ikeda. This series is best read with the narration. The experience is over the top!

Anyone who knows me knows I am not into vampires. Okay, I watched Vampire Diary for a while but it was because of the witch more than anything else. So had this not started with A Discovery of Witches, and had my cousin not recommended it, I might not have gotten into this series. And the witches sure do kick b*** in this series, so I wasn’t let down.

Even writing this is giving me a sense of remorse that it is over. Gosh, what a sentimental mush brain, huh? But how else can I tell you how good this series is?

I do have a complaint about the whispersync of this book. For some reason, it would skip over the bottom of each paragraph. But that didn’t stop me. I just signed onto my Audible and played the story from there and read it on my tablet. Yeah, I had to turn pages, but I hardly noticed as the story moved me forward.

I noticed that there were the slightest threads left undone. Nothing drastic, but it had me hoping there would be more to this series. Oh, and the last couple chapters felt rather anticlimactic, but I wasn’t complaining. It just gave me more time with the family. This was the perfect read for the Halloween season, but it would hold its own over any other set of days too.

Do read it! I think you’ll enjoy it, too!

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The Selkie Spell
The Selkie Spell by Sophie Moss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a gripping story. It started out with the fable about the selkie who lost her skin. We’ve all heard the tales. The author tells it well and blends in her story seamlessly. I enjoyed traveling to this island and feeling, in some way, like I was there, enjoying the sea breeze, smelling the salt, and roses. Sure, I had to suspend disbelief at times, but when reality was introduced, I found myself drowning in the starkness of it all.

There may be triggers for those that have been abused in their lifetimes, just a warning. But I think this was a good way to help with awareness of spousal abuse. It breaks the fallacy that it only happens in lower-class families. The book addresses the deterioration of self-esteem and building of self-doubt. But it doesn’t leave you feeling helpless. The story builds empowerment as the main character learns to trust again, in herself and others. And all this takes place with the beauty of Ireland all around.

I would suggest that this be for mature audiences as there is the above subject matter and a very hot sex scene or two. It is part of the story. If you feel that is something you don’t like to read, skip it and enjoy the story otherwise. It does leave you feeling good with all the threads tied up at the end. I want to read the next book. Luckily I already had it, but I didn’t feel I was left on a cliffhanger. I just want to know what happens next.

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Review: Vitality

Vitality by M.A. George
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Want a light read that is fun and full of adventures? This series offers all that. As I said in my review of the previous book, this is a combination of sci-fi/fantasy/YA/Romance.

I love the characters and their talents. What I still have a problem with is that the main character only uses hers to get herself in trouble. She is immature for 118, she’s immature for 18. And the constant fainting is just annoying. At least the author has the character and her friends acknowledge this trait. What is even more annoying is that this is supposed to be a person that is a doctor and scientist. She has gone through all that schooling and has dealt with people going back to Churchill. She is long past teen tantrums. As for her taking chances, that might be less too with maturity. Not that she has any of the horrid aches and pains or fragileness of old age, but just an ability to foresee who she is putting at risk by her actions should be called to mind.

Even so, when you let all that go, this is a fun read. I loved all three books in the series, Proximity, Relativity and this one Vitality. I think even late grade school students would enjoy this. I would have read and enjoyed it had it been around for me in fifth or sixth grades. There is very little science, it is merely alluded to with space travel and other innovations. The talents these aliens possess are more what feels fantasy. Oh, and there is one human from Earth. How I wish he would have been more involved.

Oh, the romance! Not my thing. Have at it girls! In fact, that is why I don’t think guys will like this so much. Still, it was a nice book to escape into.

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Damnation Marked
Damnation Marked by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve done it again! Grrrr! Ever get done with one book in a series and without stopping to do a review, jump right in and read the next book? Well, that’s what I did. Now I am 80% into book five and I can’t remember book four. But that should give you a bit of an idea about how well I liked the book. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen to the characters.

This book didn’t end with a cliffhanger, by the way. One could very well let it go and read the next book when they can. But Reno and Tahoe were left in a big mess. I am afraid to go downtown now as I am sure I will see it all apocalyptic and ruined! That is the fun of these books for me. The author has included landmarks around here and has hell take over. And it is during the snows so reading it in the right season helps to add to the allure.

Elise, the main character is a strong person often too strong for her own good but we do get to see her insecurities and weaknesses. She has a good support system around her but often chooses the role as protector rather than put her friends/family in the way of danger. She’s sassy and fun.

The problem I had with this book is the same I had with the last one, the jumping back and forth in time. If you read on the Kindle, especially using text-to-speech the sections go by and it is easy to get lost. I think asterisks would help to signify a new point of view or scene, especially when many of the sections contain the same people just earlier or much later.

Still, this is a fun series, and I feel I must continue reading until I catch up with Sara’s stories. What an imagination!

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