Tag Archive: LGBT

Girl Love Happens: Season ThreeGirl Love Happens: Season Three by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my favorite of the series so far. The main character is coming into her own emotionally and using wisdom and care with others as she goes through the problems presented in her life. Tegan is far from a perfect person, but her growth is so fun to read about.

I love how T.B. Markinson writes. Her characters, even the secondary ones, all feel real. The situations feel plausible, and she brings wisdom to the story.

I like that we are getting to go through the college scene while Tegan learns about her sexuality. And as she learns how to help her mother adjust to Tegan’s self-discovery.

Though this book didn’t leave me on a cliff-hanger, it indicated that it would continue. I can’t wait to see how Tegan grows.

By the way, the book is free with Kindle Unlimited.

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Girl Love Happens - G&T Lesbian Romance Season TwoGirl Love Happens – G&T Lesbian Romance Season Two by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m not too fond of angsty romance, regardless of gender. But most romances are with young people who have little experience or self-esteem to bring to the table. Somehow most of us grow up going through it. It wasn’t fun then, and it is sometimes excruciating to read about. I think I am alone in this thought pattern as romances of all kinds seem to flourish in books and movies. It is just the mechanism of two people learning to live with each other. That part I find interesting. Not the does she, does he love me. But how can I make their life better?

Add in new friends and their traumas or dramas, and the angst grows exponentially. And in this book, two lots of problems start growing. Luckily, I have grown to love the characters and watching their growth. I love hearing the thoughts of what I can do to help them through this from multiple levels.

This was the hardest book of the series for me. But this middle book can’t be skimmed through. In book three, the characters need to learn their lessons and move on to a more adult way of life. Yes, I am already halfway through that book. I am proud that they struggled and matured in book two to set up an even better next book.

I love best how the secondary character calms and reasons with our main character and was a voice of reason for what readers may be going through themselves. She gives such excellent advice and yet helps the love stay in front of all the relationships a person deals with, parents, grandparents, family friends, etc. This book points out how no one is an island. You have to include who raised you and who you’ve become and portray that to others. I don’t know many books that include that kind of wisdom.

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Girl Love Happens - Season OneGirl Love Happens – Season One by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

T.B. Markinson writes believable characters. In this book, the fiction felt realistic.

The blurb says it all:
‘Two college roommates are about to discover how awkward and sexy coming out can be.

Colorado, 1992. Tegan entered her freshman year of college with an open mind. As she tries to cope with a long-distance relationship, Tegan realizes it may not be the miles pulling her apart from her boyfriend. It may be her confusing feelings for her new roommate, Gemma. But when an innocent back rub turns into her first girl-on-girl make-out session, she isn’t sure if she’s ready for the world to know she’s attracted to women.

Gemma knows who she is, but she doesn’t expect Tegan to shout from the rooftops about their new relationship status. With the prying eyes of friends and jealous rivals, however, secrets may not stay hidden for long.

If you like tumultuous love stories, simmering chemistry, and colorful casts of characters, then you’ll love this first installment of T.B. Markinson’s smart, sexy series about coming-of-age as a lesbian in the 1990s.’

The book delivered a story I can’t wait to continue in book 2.

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The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of DepressionThe Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know who recommended this book for me. Whoever, thank you! This was so interesting!

Having borrowed the Libby audio narrated by the author, I now hope to buy the book someday.

The thing is, this is more than a book about depression, or even one person’s account of his own journey. This book includes a bit of history of the diagnosis and treatment for centuries. It also includes how the disorder affects different socioeconomic sets of people.

I highly recommend this for anyone who has gone through depression or know of others who might be suffering. It leads to not only a deeper understanding, but medical issues and ways to find health.

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Accidental HoneymoonAccidental Honeymoon by Miranda MacLeod
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So I learned that this book was free on Kindle Unlimited and decided to give it a try. First, I’m not a romance fan. But the story sounded interesting.

Let me be honest. I wouldn’t say I liked either of the main characters—one too pretentious, one too judgy. But people come in all sorts, and isn’t that what I want to see in my books? I continued reading, and by the end, well, the penultimate chapter, I was crying for these two.

It would be a great beach read. It is light enough not to have to get deeply involved. Yet, there is enough meat to keep you involved and caring about what happens next.

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Life in BitsLife in Bits by Harper Bliss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mothers and daughters, family relationships, strokes, photography, charity, wealth, and war. These are some of the topics this lesbian May/December romance covers. For the most part I loved the whole story.

However. The grumpy old lady and the perfect ingénue trope was quite upsetting. It seems a dysfunctional relationship in the making.

Still, there is enough meat to the story to keep the reader interested. And the erotica was kept to a minimum just spicy enough to feel real.

I always want to know what happens afterwards. How will they make the relationship work?

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Carefree Black Girls: A Celebration of Black Women in Popular CultureCarefree Black Girls: A Celebration of Black Women in Popular Culture by Carefree Black Girls Zeba Blay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Carefree Black Girls, Zeba Blay addresses many of the issues in our world today through her life’s story. Far from being ‘carefree,’ this is a social statement of what some females must live through. I am not necessarily privileged, being a 71-year-old white woman on social security (which isn’t enough to live on.) But granted, I am not black, nor of the current generation with social media that is out to crush anyone they can.
As with every autobiography I read, I must leave the statement of lack of judgment. I can’t in any way decide if this book is good or bad. It is Ms. Blay’s story. It is interesting and awakening and empowering and angering. I wish I could hug her through her hard times. I wish I could beat up those who hurt her. I wish there were no such thing as bigotry or hatred of those whose bodies are not perfect or whose sexual lives don’t reflect the norms.

As with other autobiographies, I did appreciate a chance to walk in someone else’s shoes. As uncomfortable as those shoes might be for her or me. It made a hard read for bedtimes. It wasn’t easy to find a calm or happy moment to stop reading on a positive note. But I suppose that had me finishing the read faster.

I hope others will take the time to read about a life that isn’t your own. This one is not only well-written but highly researched to make sure her facts are traceable.

I want to thank Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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The Love ProjectThe Love Project by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Game show romance, advice column fun with an edge. Not only is there a lesbian love story, but one that involves a bit of a different issue. I don’t know what it is called, but one of the characters doesn’t read people well. I must admit that I related to that character. Not only do I not read people, I fail to see weight gain or loss, understand that a friend or a family member needs a hug. That kind of thing. It can be embarrassing. By the time I get it, the moment is gone, and the conversation or situation calls for something else.

It was a book of hope for those of us that are people slow. The new friend helps by being understanding. Well worth the read, just for the education about types of people. And fun in a reality-show way.

I picked this book up on Kindle Unlimited. Try this quick, fun read.

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The SetupThe Setup by T.B. Markinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What have I said about mysteries and romances? Travel. In this romance, I got to go to London. Through the main character, Rory, I got to take a job in London and meet with an old friend who sets her up with a new friend.

This was another Kindle Unlimited, so it was a free, sort of, read. I read it in one night. Yes, that was with text-to-speech.

I found the main character okay. I like her new friend, Imogen, boring, but Rory loved her, so that’s not for me to care. I was in London.

Anything more gets into spoilers, and the book is too short for that. It was fun. Give it a try.

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Northern Lights (Compass, #1)Northern Lights by Lise Gold
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After finishing Kristin Lavransdatter, I needed something lighter to read, yet still wanting a little more Norway. What better than Northern Lights? It is an adventure on holiday in Norway to see the Northern Lights also a lesbian romance.

My husband and I took an Alaskan cruise in June about a decade ago. I had hoped beyond any known reality that I would get to see the Aurora Borealis. I stayed awake until the three hours of night were over hoping to see this phenomenon. It was June. I knew it wouldn’t happen. I hope I get to see it someday. Meanwhile, I have to sink into fiction to experience it.

This was a light, fun romance. And the author caught the feeling of being on a cruise or holiday together with strangers. It was fun to see how those in Norway celebrate Christmas. Oh, and at the end of the book are a bunch of recipes that a person who loves that sort of thing would enjoy. I don’t much like to cook. You might like it though.

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