Tag Archive: Loom Knitting

Finishing Friday

Making progress. It sure needs straightening.
Received the book inspiring my NaNoWriMo for this year. Lots to do before Halloween midnight!
Kali sleeps while I display the DPN socks. Next I learn to finish the heel. That lesson is on Tuesday. I can’t wait!

Meanwhile, I think I have enough yarn to make one more hat for charity.

No picture of plumbing issues. I don’t want to see it. But my shower is weeks from being done. The floor is finally dry. Now to get rid of the mold that has formed in the wall for years, maybe decades. The plumbing is put together. Once mold free the walls go back up. Meanwhile, I’m sorting

Yes, still letting ‘sleeping dog’ lie. The sock on the left had to be frogged and started over. It seems like no progress but that sock is now past where it was when I had to reknit.
I’ll probably get more done on these this weekend.

Mostly my aim is to have enough characters and a bit of plot on some kinda world. Three days!!!!! Yikes!!!!

What are you working on?

Thrilled Thursday

I just found out that my author friend, Gita V. Reddy, has posted her books on YouTube. Here is the one about the Knitted Animals:


I’m having to go real slow in small bits on everything.

My other light pad wasn’t big enough so I’ve picked up an A2. I think this is too big. I’ll make it work. Meanwhile the smaller one will be put to use to trace art drawings for painting or coloring. By the way, this was the progress a few days ago.
That little bit in the upper middle is all I’ve gotten done since.
I am finding needle knitting hurts the least so I am doing okay with the brim of this hat.
I started this one before the shoulder/back pain. It should be the same size as the needle knitted hat.
I just got this book. It’s far more advanced in needle knitting than I am currently. But I plan to learn it. And compare with the following book methods for loom socks.

So much to learn. But healing first.

My friend had to go home today. I hate goodbyes, don’t you?

We had a lot of fun despite the 90+ heat. It was nicer inside, thanks to my daughter and her fiance, who sent us an air conditioner. It keeps it cool in our home. Sometimes it’s cold.

Anyway, we binged on The Umbrella Academy while knitting or diamond painting.

My friend finished her moon on side one. I finished the heart side one. Sorry I didn’t take a picture of her project but here’s mine.

I think I already shared this, sorry.

Here’s here knitting project to donate to charity.

That’s a garter stitch brim. She chose this yarn from my donated stash. I liked it so much I left it out to see if I could make slipper socks to go with the hat.  Oh, and she did this on the 36 peg Knifty Knitter loom using e-wrap. She  made it in one sitting.

So I started the slippers on the Flexee fine-gauge loom with 40 pegs. I used the following cast-on using the cuff-down rather than my usual toe-up.

After a couple weeks away I finally got the chance to DP. Here’s the progress.

The animals reclaimed the sofa.

But they miss her, too. No one to bug in the night. No one to stab with razor sharp claws. But also one less person to cuddle with.

Side one of heart, done. Forgive Kali hair. I thought I had brushed it all off. She missed me so much she left momentos on my chair. 😉
To the ankle of these. It won’t be long.
After a couple frogs and restarts on this pair, new toe on the right is nearly ready to finish the Kitchener cast-on. In fact, now that they are out, I think I’ll continue right now.

I have company still, who also enjoys diamond painting and loom-knitting so we are having fun watch shows, chatting, and hobbying. Two weeks of fun!

So unfortunately the lighthouse is finished. My next project won’t be here until Wednesday. I’m at loose ends. Meanwhile, I still need to straighten, seal and hang it.

I finally hung the tea dragon on the tea cabinet. My phone camera was being weird.  It looks far better than this.

I’m nearing my goal on my memoir for Junowrimo.

Look! Only 367 until 50k! Oh yeah. Snap! That wasn’t the goal for June. 55,100 is the goal. I think I can…
Sock number one is nearly done. Probably finishing it tomorrow.
I know we can!

Finished bath mitt.

I found a cotton sock yarn and started a pair of toes.

I didn’t work on my dragon today. But my progress as of yesterday looked like this.

The house is still standing despite 65mph winds. And electric storm. And once that settled slushy snow played around outside.

Four seasons in a day!

No writing. That may be a morning job. I’ll let you know tomorrow. Guilt isn’t a good motivation.  Music fits in the same category. I need to work out a schedule for these things.


My friend shared this with me. I thought it was cool!

Fresh off the loom;

Spa socks! Because they are cotton they are great after shower and lotion.

Diamond Painting is the new meditation.

It feels like I’m painting geodes. I love these colors!

By the way, it was pretty today, though cold. But snow is expected tonight in an hour. Crazy ‘Spring’ weather.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “how.” Use the word “how” in your post. Bonus points if you start your post with it. Enjoy!

How is it Saturday already?

How is it I didn’t realize it was AtoZ April?

How is it I can’t do anything I’m supposed to do but spending so much energy and time on everything but my tasks?

Well, three days behind on writing. But…

Maybe two or three days more.

Slipper one at heel stage. Tomorrow slipper two heel.

Okay. Not to be hard on myself. Even though I had dilated eyes I opened a speech-to-text app. I talked out some memories to add to my project. Certainly not enough, but something.

Next task is yWriter and writing. Two and a half days of writing tonight. But how?

Finished Friday

I played yarn chicken with the leftover wool. I decided I might be able to make a child’s hat.

Still have the tiniest bit left.

After a very busy day in Bend. Dilated eyes made shopping out of the question.  I couldn’t even help in the bread store.

At the eye surgeon’s I learned my eyes had gotten so bad that she was nervous about all the things that could go wrong. Still, it’s safer getting the surgery, than letting it go. The scary things that could go wrong are like the warning signs at a roller coaster ride. You know the ones, do not ride if pregnant, have heart or back issues, etc. But I loved the coasters. I live seeing, reading so maybe it’s the same. Apparently, I won’t end up with 20/20. But it will be at correctable levels with glasses. My good eye will be able to drive without glasses. Even the bad will be corrected to arms length, like computer and piano music. Reading books will take readers. No prob. I can handle that.

I learned that for my first surgery she’s put me at the end so if it goes over time it won’t get in the way of other surgeries. BUT by being end of day the recheck can’t happen until the next morning. That means we find the pot of gold to stay at a motel over night or after the 4 hours round trip the day of the surgery getting up at 3:30AM to get to the recheck at 5:30AM and 5hen back home yikes!

We’ll work it out!


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