Tag Archive: romance

Shadow of Night (All Souls Trilogy, #2)Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Below is the review I made the first time I read this book. I find it says more than I was planning to say. My current review would have just said how much I loved this time-travel adventure between the witch and her vampire husband. Check out the old review for the rest.


After a bit of research, I realized that I had read the first book, A Discovery of Witches, in 2011. That reading was a result of a recommendation by my cousin. I loved that book. Yet, I just took the quiz and found I only got 3 questions right out of 10. So maybe I should have read it again before reading this second book, Shadow of Night. I did feel lost at times, but the story kept me engaged, and I didn’t want to leave the past to review the first book. Also, in my research, I found that I didn’t have the Kindle version of the first book. I must have borrowed the hardback from the library. But I do have the Audible version of the book that I had listened to alongside the hardback.

With both books of the series, I was delighted by the narrator, Jennifer Ikeda. Her voice is exquisite. I love the way she can vary according to each character. I feel she could read the phonebook and make it exciting. But Deborah Harkness’s writing needs no help. Several times, I’d have a sleepless night and want to read. I hated donning my headset just for a few minutes of reading. Those few moments lasted for sometimes hours. So yes, I know how well the writing is. With the duo of writer and narrator, this story comes to life. And that is when Elizabeth I was queen.

I love time travel stories, but this was different in that it was due to witchcraft that made it happen. And that by a witch who doesn’t understand her craft. Okay, I won’t tell you any more about the story. Needless to say, it is worth the read. The characters alone can grab you. They are well-developed, as is the plot. So much so that I couldn’t wait to get the next book and get involved. I highly recommend this series.

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A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy, #1)A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jennifer Ikeda narrated this book with so much variance in her voice, playing each character with enthusiasm and strength.

The story is as interesting this second time around. I am sucked right into the story as if it is the first time. I can remember certain plot points, but getting to those points is half the adventure.

After reading the Vampire Knitting Club and the Vampire Book Club series, I needed to have another lighter story. This one isn’t as much humor as it is a full immersion into Deborah Harkness’s world.

I have enjoyed this so much that I decided to get back into the whole series. I’ve already started reading book two.

Below is my first review of this book

This book was so much fun. Now, I have a new author, Deborah Harkness, and a new narrator, Jennifer Ikeda, on my favorites list. The only problem I had with the book was that feeling when the book ended and the next book wasn’t available yet! So, I spent my day in that withdrawal phase that happens when you have learned to love the characters and enjoy the plot.

What some reviewers were irritated with was the clothing issues. I found them to be signs of a modern professional woman who is trying to be ‘normal.’ I loved the range of senses Ms. Harkness called upon to present the world. Ms. Ikeda’s accents made the characters come alive.

I have to thank my cousin for suggesting this book. Only for her would I have read anything to do with vampires. I was led to believe, by the title, I suppose, that this would be about witches. 🙂

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Diamonds and Daggers (Vampire Knitting Club, #11)Diamonds and Daggers by Nancy Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading serious books, I like to take a reading vacation. The Vampire Knitting Club is a fun place to go. Not your usual vampires. These are sophisticated, mostly non-neck-biting types. They meet in the original owner’s residence above and below the yarn shop. They knit. Anyone who knows me understands my affection for the wooly soft stuff.

It is the original owner’s granddaughter who owns the store now. Her grandmother is now a vampire. It was the only way to save her life. But she can’t be seen in the shop. It really upsets the customers to see their favorite yet dead yarn expert walking around.

Each and every volume of this series is fun and wrapped around some murder. Don’t doubt for a minute the pointy needles are harmless. But they do remind one of the canine teeth, don’t they?

Add to all that, the grandmother and granddaughter are witches. Well, the granddaughter didn’t know that until she inherited the shop when her grandmother supposedly passed. Now she is learning to knit and to ‘witch.’ In this particular volume, she is learning about her athame. Dagger.

Sarah Zimmerman narrates the Audible version I was reading/listening to. She isn’t too irritating, but her attitude seems a bit too high society for the main character, but you get used to it. At least you don’t get lost. And the author writes a wonderful story and keeps you engaged and wanting more.

I have already finished and started number 12. These books are a bit of a drug of fun for me. I hope you all get to read them.

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The Plains of Passage: Earth's Children, Book 4The Plains of Passage: Earth’s Children, Book 4 by Jean M. Auel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this a few years ago. Below is my last review. I am having a hard time separating the books. I have already started The Shelters of Stone. I love Sandra Burr’s narration, that is until Shelters. Why did she change how Ayla’s accent in Shelters? But aside from that, I enjoyed the Plains and the adventure of hiking the glaciers. Ayla’s growth and the growth of Jondalar as they move between societies and bigotries and Earth’s growing and evolving made a story I don’t want to stop. I know it ends, but I may love it more than I loved the last read.

June 23, 2016
This was probably my favorite of the series, both for the writing/research and also for the narration of Sandra Burr. I think Ms. Burr finally hit her Cave-womyn height with this one. I more often pulled away from the Kindle version and let Sandra tell me the story. In the Audible version, the characterizations were seamless. When it was a man talking, I pictured the man. I often forgot a woman was narrating. She kept each female voice different and consistent enough that I wouldn’t have needed to look to see who was talking. Amazing!

Another reason I enjoyed the Audible more than the Kindle (written) form because there were so many passages (no pun intended) with descriptions. I’m sure a lot of the research Jean M. Auel did was represented here. But if you follow Discovery or other science channels, you would have covered much of it. Ms. Burr kept those flowing and interesting. And her ability to pull the very essence of a sexual scene without making it raunchy was amazing (and sexy!)

I am writing this after starting the next book. I couldn’t leave Ayla out there in the ether!

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Garters and GargoylesGarters and Gargoyles by Nancy Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sarah Zimmerman’s narration is a bit off-putting. But after a while, you get used to her cadence and the smirk in her voice.

Once again, the yarn shop is where a batch of late-night knitters gather. These knitters just happen to be of the vampire variety.

My biggest problem with this book is that by now, Lucy, the store owner, who inherited, sort of, from her grandmother, who is now a part of the night shift yarning club. Lucy is still just knitting scarves and having a hard time. With all that help, she should be much farther along in her abilities. I wish I had that many teachers helping me figure out how to deal with the dropped stitches or tangled mess a distracted mind can create.

That’s not much of a problem in the long run. Lucy is learning to be a proper witch and trying to be a good person. So I shouldn’t complain. The rest of the story is fun. And the cozy mystery wrapped up in yarn pulls you in.

I love this series, and I already have the next book lined up for when I have a few moments to take a bite with my needles clicking.

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Linda’s JJiJ and John’s Prompt . Thank you both! Go check out their blogs!!!!

My Grape Year (The Grape Series, #1)My Grape Year by Laura Bradbury
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who knew that a book about a foreign exchange teenager would have me in tears and longing to read the next in the series immediately? This book is the reason I read books. It took me to a place I hadn’t been before. It challenged a lot of preconceived notions. And I picked up a word or two more of French. That probably doesn’t count for much, but every little word counts, right?

Laura Bradbury can write an engaging book. When I found I couldn’t read it tiny bits at a time, I longed for more of the story than the time reading it took. I added Whispersynch, and the voice of Hope Newhouse (Narrator) made the story even better, especially since she pronounced the words text-to-speech or my own struggles with unfamiliar French words.

I don’t remember how I heard of the Grape books, and I hope it might be in connection with a movie or television series because this could be quite good in that medium, too. Anyway, I got the first Grape on Kindle Unlimited but decided to buy it and buy the Audio to go with it as I love the layers it adds to the written word.

I highly recommend this to teens and older. Even if 18 is 56 (yikes!) years ago, I still remember the angst of those years quite well, sometimes better than I remember where I put the keys, ya know?

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Witches Get Stuff Done (Starfall, #1)Witches Get Stuff Done by Molly Harper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Looking for a quick, fun read at a time when it seems everything causes stress? This is it. Amanda Ronconi and Teddy Hamilton (narrators) give the book the voices of the story. I admit, though, I wouldn’t say I like it when a man reads a woman’s part. I know it was the male character’s point of view chapter, but I wish it would all be read in a female voice or divided up accordingly. Okay, maybe it is to help the listener see that male point of view and how he hears her voice, but I always feel males make a female voice in a way that makes fun of the female.

This story starts differently than most and keeps it light even though life and death are imminent. The ghost in the house that Riley inherits have their own agendas and personalities to keep a smile on your face if not an outright laugh out loud.

This was an Audible original. I loved it! Looking forward to the next in the series.

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Sense and SensibilitySense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I know others will see my rating and be quite disgusted. But I read all the Thomas Hardy books in my twenties, and I think I got this romantic type of male-dominated society books out of my system. The writing is musical, presenting a nice break in plain talk and low vocabulary flow.

I wonder if I had a more modern, popular reader, if I would have loved it more? I just didn’t enjoy Victoria McGee’s interpretation much. /

Back in the day, and we don’t have to go back as far as Jane Austin’s time, how about the era of Billie Jean King? Getting a wealthy man was the main goal for a female. Even when I read the Thomas Hardy books, I still thought that way. It was taught to me by my church, family, and society, but now, having lived 73 years, I think all of that was a waste. Women should have spent as much time growing our minds and independent abilities as menfolk.

Still, reading historical novels reminds us of a time gone by. Different thoughts, fashions, and inventions prevailed. Mostly, this book makes me thankful we live now.

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The League of Gentlewomen Witches (Dangerous Damsels, #2)The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

About halfway into this book, I thought of what I wanted to say about this book. It is:

Improperly provocative done properly. Another I thought of since:  Wickedly Proper

Witches, pirates, tea parties, and subtle romance keep this story going. So funny, I nearly spit my tea, yet subtle enough not to wake my husband with my guffaws.

Elizabeth Knowelden (Narrator) gave the proper voice to read this fun book.

I think I liked this one far more than India Holton’s first book, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels. The witches versus pirates made my day!

If you are looking for a fun diversion from everyday torture, this book might do the job. I was lucky to find this audio version on Libby.

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The BreakawayThe Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From my stationary bike, I felt a part of this story. It inspired me to hope that maybe I would find my way to getting a real bicycle that would work out here in the dirt road backcountry I find myself a part of.

This seems a gentle beach story at first. But soon, a person can see there are many subjects brought up from the character’s point of view. A person needs to see all the layers of the story involved. Some may not agree with the views presented, but grab what you may and enjoy what you can. Mostly enjoy this young woman’s life and journey as she finds her way to adulthood.

I was lucky to be able to read this Kindle edition through NetGalley. Thank you.

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