Tag Archive: slipper socks

Yay! I can actually report one finished project.

My son’s slipper socks are finished!

My other socks took a sideline as I finished the slippers. So I’ll take pics next week.

The dock is nearly finished. It reminds me of my son-in-love and daughter’s wedding dock At his parents’ home, at a lake. It is so beautiful there.

I feel better about my piano. We have love/hate moments. I do learn a lot with each sit down. I play not practice. I do work on problem areas. I work on my concentration. I see my playing as meditation. Here’s a thought. Check. Don’t dive in. A slight thought given attention can bring about a mistake tornado. Distraction of any kind can throw off the fun.

Take for instance, today I wanted to analyze the few pieces I shared last week. By thinking about key signatures my fingers lost their groove.

I’m much happier about the ukulele now. Being able to sing while playing makes this instrument far more fun than piano or recorders.

See those post-its? I can sing and play 16 songs in this book. No, not for an audience, but for fun. Still, I stumble, but it is fun. Isn’t that what counts?
This is that songbook.

Recorders seem to be helping my breath control. Note recognition between the soprano and the alto instruments is getting better. I still have goals of playing duets with myself. I need to learn how to record like that.

That’s about it for now. Time to get to Duo, and the recorders and uke.

Here’s that holey bendy bits and the rings bits. How do they fits?
Bendies at the top and bottom of the three chains. Ringies hook the top of the chains to the heart and another hooks the big gem at the bottom. Squeeze the hole parts onto the chain with pliers. Make sure they are on tight or you will be flustered and floundering and possibly throwing all the bits. Two suncatchers more to go. Enough frustration for this day!
Progress, mostly halfway finished

Real flounders entice sea turtles down to floor. The flounders are having a feast!

Another pair of slipper socks. I’m incorporating that nice stretchy arch I learned with the no-show socks.

I’m getting a little better with chording on the ukulele. I almost don’t have to look when changing from C to F to G7 and back to C all the while singing. Almost time for a new lesson. It’s supposed to be a 30 day course, but my soft, achy fingers needed more time. I’m still learning day 9 a couple weeks later.

The recorder comes and goes. Teaching myself and my fingers soprano, alto, and tenor. I can finally reach all notes on soprano and alto, though not consistently. I can barely get the top three holes of the tenor.

And. AND I CLEANED THE PIANO WELL SO IT WELCOMES ME! Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually play!!!!

A quick note. Door push-ups, floor to ceiling stretches, then more than 30 minutes or more than 5 miles on the stationary bike. All still happening. So some things are growing into habits. Others are still work. But a lot of flounder still happens. Ah, well, it’s February!

Floundering vs Foundering

Since this guy showed up in my purview, I keep hearing about it or seeing new ways to use it. But when I looked up this comparison, this is what I found on Google:

Flounder and founder are happy little nouns that don’t get mixed up. But it all falls apart when they’re verbs — if you’re floundering, you’re struggling. If you’re foundering, you’re failing completely. I don’t feel I am foundering in any way. Just finding ways to see successes.

So, I am sticking with the fish. And that is better than a horse who founders.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

Her hooves hurt, and she can’t go on. Actually, I don’t know that about the above horse. I just was looking for a picture of a horse on the ground. And she is so pretty!

The groundhog is a floundering hog. Or is it that Winter is floundering? Because we are supposed to be getting an early Spring. But we got this:

Yeah, the bag of trash got deserted on the front porch. And we only got inches. Our friends got feet!

Meanwhile, I finished the little boy’s slippers:

It’s fun to make smaller socks because they get finished quicker. But now I’m on the mother and the older daughter, and possibly Auntie and Grandma. All around sizes 7 and 8. Yes, the yarn is already on the needles.

My biggest floundering seems to be on the ukulele. My fingers just don’t want to be in those chord situations. But I keep trying. I did figure out I could plunk out Mary Had a Little Lamb on the strings as I figured out where each note was. But moving from F to C and back within a singing timing was crazy. The F chord is the hardest. Well, until I met G. Getting pretty sounds is crippling!

I’m not floundering so much on the recorders. Except I probably should play them before deadening the fingertips on the Uke. I am trying to remember where the F, F#, and B flat are. Other than that I’m getting better, slowly.

And so, I’m off to try again tonight. Wish me luck!

Finished Friday

Scrappy slipper socks for charity. Just using last bits of some yarn.

That’s all for now.

Happy Hath Day! (September 30th)

Making Monday

Well, I made the mistake of working on my knitting all day and forgot to blog or do my Duolingo. At least I had a ‘freeze’ on Duo, so I still have the count of 1,146 days. But I bet I am back to day one here on WordPress. I was heading for the 300. I’m so disappointed!

Slipper socks are coming along, and I love them so much more on the Flexee fine-gauge loom.
This hat is coming along. It won’t be long now until the decreasing crown.
I started a brand new little hat. I love working on circular needles.
This hat is close to the end of the brim.
This is the bear that took all my time and concentration. Knitting is the fun part. I hate the next part, sewing and stuffing. But I think he will be cute.
These are the double-ended but not needles that I used for the bear. These were my mom’s. I think she chose to make single-ended needles out of many doubles. Sorry for the dog hair. Kali share’s her wealth!
Here’s a close-up of the gobs of gum or putty that she had on the ends. They are on there pretty tight, and it looks shiny, whatever it was.
Nearly done with Starry Night!
Guess who needs a haircut! Yep, me!

Sunday Smiles

Yay! Charity socks finished!

Finished the right third and top of middle third.
I took this when closing down yesterday. This was before I started on the middle. It is soothing, and cooling to work on this one.
This pair of slipper socks will be finished this weekend.
Toes done on this pair. It’ll take some time before they are done. They are bigger and finer-gauged.

On the writing front, I’ve entered a few more of my books into yWriter. I even worked on the memoir a bit. Now that I’ve moved into the new laptop I’m having a bit more time to get creative again.

It may seem I’ve been reading a lot. The fact is, when the electronics were down, I got behind in reviews and writing. Now I’m finally catching up.

Been busy. How was your week?

On the home-stretch with the spa slippers. I’d love to find a bunch of this twisted cotton. It feels good to my hands and I bet it’ll feel great to freshly-lotioned feet.
I will probably finish this dragon tomorrow. With this weather, I may never get outside again.
Last night at Kali’s midnight outside. Today snow blizzard conditions so as not to see a mile and then shiny blue skies. Trying to keep track of the season!

I lowered my goal for CampNaNo. 25k instead of 50k. Now I have less pressure and more fun ahead.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “how.” Use the word “how” in your post. Bonus points if you start your post with it. Enjoy!

How is it Saturday already?

How is it I didn’t realize it was AtoZ April?

How is it I can’t do anything I’m supposed to do but spending so much energy and time on everything but my tasks?

Well, three days behind on writing. But…

Maybe two or three days more.

Slipper one at heel stage. Tomorrow slipper two heel.

Okay. Not to be hard on myself. Even though I had dilated eyes I opened a speech-to-text app. I talked out some memories to add to my project. Certainly not enough, but something.

Next task is yWriter and writing. Two and a half days of writing tonight. But how?

I feel better today. Still a little tired, even after 8 hours last night and a nap. You know, as useless as I felt over the last couple days, my hands continued knitting. So that this morning I finished this pair of slipper socks for the charity.

KB His sock loom. Kitchener cast-on, flat knit stitch, German short-row heel, more flat knit stitch, 2 by 2 purl/knit ribbed cuff.

I managed a bit of Diamond Painting before a nap took me.

From top to nose level of the dragon. A little lower on the right side. I can’t wait to see the bird done. Maybe tomorrow.
This is all that was left of the yarn I made the slipper socks from. I’ll probably use it in a toy.
So I found another cake of soft white yarn to start another pair. I think I’ll use the white for toes and heels. There probably isn’t enough for a whole pair.


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