Tag Archive: #Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Revisions and editing seem to slap the reverent feelings of brand spanking new overwhelming story. It will forevermore need revitalizing revaluation. That is the preview of the next few months of reviews of said novel.

Revisiting tonight’s sunset:

Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rev.” Use “rev” or find a word that contains it. Have fun!

And one more for whatever:

I thought I had it made! I saw Golly Gee and Animal Crackers came to mind. Ah, alas, I was wrong, as the lyrics point out below. She says, Gosh, oh Gee. Well. Too bad. Shirley needed the nod. I bet if I did a deep search, we could find when she actually said, Golly Gee!

I think I’ve talked about how I was/am a Shirley Temple fan. In sixth grade, (60 years ago!) I was the leader of my class’s Shirley Temple Fan Club, membership ONE, ME. I would sing the songs for my classmates. Where did I get the courage? Well, the year before, my friends and I did The Wizard of Oz, so…

In sixth grade, I was 12. My mother told me she was Shirley Temple’s actual age. Ms. Temple was already an ambassador. Well, here’s her wiki.

My piano teacher did everything she could to keep me interested in playing the piano, so she found this book for me, yes, I still have it, and it is in the same shape as I am these days.

The only centerfold I’ve ever loved!
See the Lassie sticker? There is a sticker on every song in this book. That meant I could play them near perfection. Ah, but now, it is sadly hard to play. Maybe after cataract surgery? I can only hope!


Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh, oh gee, but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one

In every bowl of soup, I see
Lions and Tigers watching me
I make ’em jump right through a hoop
Those animal crackers in my soup

When I get hold of the big bad wolf
I just push him under to drown
Then I bite him in a million bits
And I gobble him right down

When they’re inside me where it’s dark
I walk around like Noahs Ark
I stuff my tummy like a goop
With animal crackers in my soup

Animal crackers in my soup
Do funny things to me
They make me think my neighborhood
Is a big menagerie

For instance, there’s our Janitor
His name is Mr. Klein
And when he Hollers at us kids
He reminds me of a Lion

The Grocer is so big and fat
He has a big mustache
He looks just like a Walrus
Just before he takes a splash

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh, oh gee, but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one

In every bowl of soup, I see
Lions and Tigers watching me
I make ’em jump right through a hoop
Those animal crackers in my soup

When I get hold of the big bad wolf
I just push him under to drown
Then I bite him in a million bits
And I gobble him right down

When they’re inside me where it’s dark
I walk around like Noahs Arc
I stuff my tummy like a goop
With animal crackers in my soup

When they’re inside me where it’s dark
I walk around like Noahs Arc
I stuff my tummy like a goop
With animal crackers in my soup

Source: Musixmatch

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “golly gee.” Use “golly gee” or another interjection that displays the same sentiment in your post. Enjoy!,,

Since cataracts control my reading diet, and closing eyes to point won’t work for Audible books, I downloaded my next Kindle Unlimited book and went a few pages in to do the pointing. Here is the fantastic sentence I found. Sorry, chaos was the word but this! This is MARVELOUS! “Chaos will rot your plants and kill your dog and rust your bike.” This is from a book my friend, Michele, recommended, Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller. With just this sentence I can hardly wait to read the book!

I remember the line from Game of Thrones, …’Chaos is a ladder…’

So, does that mean you pile up your plants, dog, and bike to climb? Ouch! Yet, that seems to be implied with chaos, right? Maybe a rusty bike could have a comfortable seat. The dog is dead, use the hide to make the seat usable? Compost the dead plants and squeak through the old neighborhood on that bike to find friends or food. They’ll hear you coming so hopefully they are friendly.

This stream is far from drained. It is NaNo after all. Yet my novel, Crystal, isn’t post apocalyptic. This imagery could fit in either Pandamapocalypse or Marine’s Mission. But maybe I can get a little ‘chaos theory’ mixed into Crystal’s world. It is a lot of craziness going on.

But this isn’t adding to my word count. Which is currently 9,096. That’s not too bad. But I wanted to stay a couple days ahead so I’m aiming for over 13K. So it was nice floating in the Stream but it’s needed elsewhere or there will be chaos in my soul!

Remember Crystal under pressure? Yeah.

Linda’s newest prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “close eyes and point.” Grab the closest printed material to you when you sit down to write your post, open it up (if it’s a book, flyer, etc.), close your eyes, and point. Whatever your finger lands on, use that as your prompt. Have fun!

Per Linda G. Hill

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “lid.” Use it in the literal sense, use it in the metaphorical sense, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

I decided to combine #SOCS’s ‘lid’ with #Intober2021 where the prompt of the day is ‘pressure’.

Here’s the story’s continuation:

Trying to keep the lid on seemed to increase the pressure. The watchman clicked on his watch and scrolled to Crystal’s name and hit send. When her face came on the screen it was full of understanding. Her crystals were growing nearly taking over her irises. It made her look blind, but he knew it was the opposite. He warned her to get out while she could.

Crystal looked around at her fans. She felt the one who had whispered before, tugging at her arm. She whispered again, “Let’s get out of here, this way!”

Crystal let herself be pulled while bowing and thanking the enclosing crowd.


Shoot! Another cliffhanger! What is going to happen? I wish I knew! Anyway, here’s the #Intober2021 ink.

Since reading the prompts that Linda gave us, THIS earworm has been buzzing through my head. You’re welcome!

It’s hard to bring my consciousness out of the song and experience of Titanic And Celine beating her chest at the emotional part of the song. But let me see if I can try.

I am feeling far from everyone. Even those who are near, in my house. Each time they go out shopping I get worried that they will catch COVID or other flu and bring it home. None of us here in this house are as healthy as we would like to be. Most of us are in that age group. So we have to maintain a bit of distance for a while from each other. Our county cases are going crazy right now. So, I’m keeping my six feet even at home.

On the other hand, I am so grateful for the ways I can stay near to all my friends and family, yes, even those in my home. It is not uncommon for my husband and I to text each other from other rooms of the house. Let’s say I am busy, and Kali needs to go outside. A quick text, and he’s coming through and letting her out. We have even FaceTimed each other. Others might say that is lazy, but pain levels send my husband to his bed so he can put on leg massagers and raise the foot of his bed for better circulation.

Zoom and FaceTime bring the far, near. I am so happy that at least one part of the Jetsons of the far future has come to us today.

Even tonight, this technology has given me an unbirthday gift. My friend and her granddaughter have been enjoying a book they kept telling us about it. The other friend was able to pick up the book at her library, so she started reading it today. I couldn’t buy it right now. Out Libby didn’t have it yet. And I decided against the trip to the library even though I miss it horribly. My friend ordered and sent the Kindle version, so I start to read this tonight (if I finished my other book) or tomorrow night! Near/far friends and family warm my heart and soul!

I can’t wait to read of this adventure far, far away yet near.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday, Where

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “where.” Use it any way you’d like!

Where Was I 20 years ago? Well, the train ride into work was weird. They were saying things like how those who were going to transfer to the L.A. train probably should look for another ride. I wasn’t a social commuter. I read and eventually wrote on my Palm Pilot keyboard during the hour long ride.

As I strolled down the aisle between gray motes called work stations, I noticed one co-worker had a small television on and a group of workers looking. I glanced and saw what I thought was a special effect in a movie and moved on to my desk. Then I started hearing some say they needed to go their relative worked there. What? Where? Irvine, CA became a scary place for me. I was an hour from home, by train.

Once the coworker with the TV told me what happened, the bosses came through and told us all to go home. It seemed New York had reached us in southern California.

We were off for several days. The train ride was never as fun as it had been before. Everyone was scared as to what might happen next. I think it was the beginning trigger of a huge depression for me. There were other things that happened that made it worse but that’s anther story I don’t think belongs here.

After the fear of the moment the pride in our fellow heroes who rose above the crazies. That was when I found pride in the country where I live. I wish we could still have that unity we had then. Where is the love? Where?


Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “pin.” Use it as a noun, use it as a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Pinterest is a history lesson of my passion over the last few years. Ah, but then so is this blog.

Writing starts and continues as the place I put a lot of energy. But I used to sew. I found the race of pulling the pins before the needle hit them too stressful. Not to mention the ripping what I sewed. Ugh! And sitting in the position of leaning over the machine hurt my back. Sewing fell as a passion.

Crochet became my next passion. I could make hats for charities and spend time creating. But my hands didn’t like the constant positioning.

Then I learned to loom knit. Even ripping, frogging, or tinking projects was fun. More yarn, more chances to improve.

I tried to dry felt but found the constant hand movement hurt so another craft bit the dust.

Now I’m having fun playing my recorders. It hurts my hands sometimes but it seems, if I’m inconsistent (skipping a day here and there) that my hands get more proficient and hurt less. It doesn’t carry with it the fulfillment the loom knitting does. I’m not helping anyone else. But maybe that’ll be something to come?

Drawing has the same feeling. I can get lost, as lost as when writing, in a project. True, I don’t feel the giving feeling there like I do with the knitting but I don’t feel wasteful of my time and energy. I wonder what that is? Should I see how I can expand somehow into something more charitable?

Music is coming alive in me again. What can I do with it? Is it okay to just enjoy the journey? Does it, too need me to pin it to the social magazine (how I think of Pinterest)? I really want to pinpoint my passions to understand how best to approach the ‘work’s of the fun.

And now with health improving, I wonder where that will lead. Hiking, camping? Let’s just put a pin in that.

My life has been hectic. Doing what? It’s a mystery. Maybe a list of accomplishments isn’t available, but I see a fun task finished every now and then, and it isn’t a myth. Look at this loomy hat fresh off the loom today.

Sorry for the gloomy pictures. That is a salmon color. Somehow the cellphone didn’t capture it properly. I knitted it on the Flexee loom. 80 pegs, so it should fit an adult. It was with mohair from the charity so it will go to the charity. The brim was a fold back on itself, then I did a couple rows of cable stitches. The rest just flat knit. I did this decrease method.

The difference is that after finishing the first batch of decreases, I move all the loops to remove the links of every other stitch so that in the end, I will have 40 pegs, and I do this whole decrease again. It is fun to do this decrease on the flexees.

Oh, another done thing without crossing off a list, I actually wrote more on my story. I haven’t done much writing in the last two CampNaNos. I sort of forgot to write and edit. I think I have been avoiding it because seeing the computer screen is difficult. Myopia with cataracts makes the reading of any kind painful. When I have to try too hard, I get gloomy, But, Yay! Today I wrote, and now I want to know what happens to my lost characters. I’m hoping they will become chummy with wild horses to pull their truck like a covered wagon. Covered will be necessary as it may soon get stormy.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “my.” Start your post with the word “My.” Bonus points if you end your post with “yours.” Enjoy!

Ode to Joy. This is often a beginners song in whatever instrument you are trying out. Here is one of my favorite recorder teachers teaching the classic. I am using this video to teach myself to play it on not only soprano but also alto and tenor. Both of the latter are much harder on my hands than the higher squeakier soprano.

Sarah Jeffery

I’ve always been interested in codes and other languages. Maybe the beginning code of my life was music. As a five-year-old, I can remember more of my music lessons than kindergarten or even first grade. Music code was followed by alphabets and Dick, Jane, and Sally. Not only did I learn that code, in the boring sense of black and white, but reading became one of my favorite things.

When I was little, I had a toy piano like Schroeder, with color coded music with keys that match the notes. Maybe that is why I see music and some odd things in colors. Smells have colors. Words have colors. My fingers on the piano keyboard make cartoons in my head. Okay, I never said I was totally sane.

Okay. Not Beethoven but cute, right?
Great for color-coded toy piano, not the best key for beginning recorder.

So sorry to have let my stream erode to elemental music but that is where my crazy ADD floats off to. I have overloaded on the code words when there were so many out there like these:

  • biodegradable.
  • photodetector.
  • electrodermal.
  • octodecillion.
  • moderatorship.
  • modernization.
  • modernisation.
  • photocathodes.

Just think of where I could have gone with photocathodes, whatever those are.

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ode.” Find a one- or two-syllable word that rhymes with “ode,” or use the word “ode.” Have fun!

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “luck.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Luck is what you make, right? The fires in the west and the floods in the east and the occasional tornado, not the kind of thing one can make for oneself, right? Those who live and those who die from these incidents are a flip of the coin or brought it on themselves?

Okay, the thought of what we all might have contributed to the laws and the global warming that might have contributed to the catastrophes, does occur. Yet the individual who lives an dies don’t seem to pull that all to themselves. Sure a person can make sure their home is protected as best they can to withstand the throws of nature. But who is to blame for the victim’s bad luck?

There are those who wear special hats or ribbons when they gamble or race. Is it their luck if they win? Is it bad luck if they didn’t wear the lucky pin and they lost?

Yes, I’m addressing this. If we catch COVID19 or Delta and we’ve done everything to prevent it, is it our bad luck? This has to do with neighbors and friends and family, too. Just as a person can pass by your house and recklessly toss a cigarette out the car window and catch your house on fire. Even though you have fireproofed your place it burns down. Luck? Blame? Maybe the worst is the anger that blame brings. The house is still on fire. The possible disease is attacking. Maybe it’s a waste of time and energy to call out the careless? They are probably rich and can get out of it anyway. Sure we hope there will be a way to recover physically and financially. And we have done everything in our power to stay safe and healthy. We’ve saved our pennies when we could. So it’s just bad luck?

I’m falling down a rabbit hole here. I’m not sure there is a wise person, guru, rabbit’s foot that can save this blog today.

Meanwhile, our day was hot, 96 with smoke and clouds making it sticky and awful. We’ve kept the fans going and kept hydrated. Tomorrow will be 100. If we are lucky we will get through as the next week shows 80s. Our pets lay around the floor and we check on them. We take siestas during the heat of the day and that helps a little. But I get grouchy after a hot nap.

All the while I am hearing this earworm.

Maybe I can get it out of my head.


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