Tag Archive: Tea

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last thing you filled.” Think about the last thing you filled or the contents you filled it with and use one or both of those things as your prompt. Enjoy!

Once again, I played Sparklett’s Water person. As I needed to fill my water bottles and my morning drink cups.

I’m still on my intermittent fast through mid afternoon. But I drink a lot of water, coffee, and tea in the mornings. But first, a spoonful of Bragg’s vinegar in my first cup of water. Anybody else do this? I can’t tell you if it works or not. It is just part of my waking tradition.

Many people swear by the vinegar.

But many swear by coffee or tea. I cover all the bases drinks all these, along with lots of water. I try to get my fill.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “heart.” Use it any way you like. Have fun!

Have you ever noticed the words in the word h-e-a-r-t. Grab a cup of tea. Lend an ear. Hear what you can with your heart. He might have heat for her. But involve the muse of art. Scramble a bit for the Earth. Possibly shed a tear.

How did that rate? Do you find more? Can you make it heart worthy?

Well, congratulations ME I have made it to day 8! Again, thanks to Linda G. Hill for the inspiration to write every day and to Barbara for the prompt. Click on their names to find out about this fun project and their own blogs.


For most people, this word is a wake-up call. Mostly I get headaches from coffee. Even smelling it. And I like how it smells! Decafe us worse than hi-octane. Many times in my life I’ve tried to be like everyone else. But not only is there the throbbing head, I shake like crazy as I reach for Advil. It makes me sad to know that more statistics are saying it is very good for you and long life.

I live on tea. Earl Grey in the morning, green the rest of the day and often! I guess that is my UK roots coming out. This picture makes me happy:

The Tea Girl of Hummingbird LaneThe Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I would gladly give this book 5 stars. But making poor people (the Kindle version is $12.99!) and/or those with vision problems to buy the audio-book ($19.99) is just plain greedy! Sure the Audible version helps the reader know how certain words are pronounced. And the narrators are very good. And (although I had to wait until I had a credit over there) it was ‘free’ on Audible. I could have had that Kindle version back to the library earlier had I been able to listen to a Text-to-Speech as I read. All that inconvenience and not being able to save my credit for something else I was planning on, should actually lower my rating. But, doggone it! This was a fantastic book! Please, dear author (Lisa See), since the book is about poor people and their struggles, consider the struggles of those who can’t afford to buy your book and or have vision problems!

Gripe ended. The book was so good that I didn’t want to stop reading it for anything! I loved the amount of research the author put into the whole story. And yet I didn’t feel inundated with information. It all felt quite naturally a part of the tale.

It is told mostly from Li-yan’s point of view in a minority village of China. Later her daughter, Haley’s, point of view as an orphan in Orange County, California. What is genetic, instinct, or just natural curiosity? In a culture discouraging more than one child and girls the least desirable, what are the results on those poor girls sent away? What happens to the country that makes that happen? What are the results for the family or parents that are forced into this kind of situation?

These questions are answered. AND you will learn more about tea than you may ever want to know but find yourself longing to know more!

It has been over a week since I finished reading/listening to this gem. I still miss the characters and wish I knew what happened next. I doubt there is a second book in the making. The book leaves you just wishing for more. If you can get the book or audio recording, I think you will like it! Thank you, Leslie, for recommending it!

View all my reviews

Dar49 Daily

Dar49 Daily. Is out!!!

Confession time. Retirement plus fibromyalgia equals third adolescence. First adolescence being toddler of terrible-twos or threes, accordingly. The second is the teens. Well, I don’t remember this one described in my Psych 101 class. But I often stay up late, sleep late. It seems my biorhythm. But real life doesn’t allow for this kind of bio-person. Anyway, long story even longer–I didn’t get up until 2 today. TWO!!! I did finish the book last night and started a new one. Review to follow later.  <— All that to say I am really late getting things done today!

Enjoy the Paper.li!


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