Tag Archive: tiny doll

Scrappy Dolls

So I had a lot of yarn in little bits. I thought, ‘Hmmm, maybe I can make some scrappy socks. But I made oopsies and needed to tink. That didn’t work out right. So I left these two-toned tube socks in their project bag until I felt like dealing with them. Suddenly it came to me that they would make sock dolls.

The other bright idea that has to do with socks is, I wondered if the Kitchener cast-on could be used to make hats without a bump or knot on the top. So, here is the result of that cast-on on the small Knifty Knitter (blue, 24 pegs):

It is a little bumpy on what would be near the big toe and the little toe, like a dimple or pimple? But it does seem smoother than the normal doll head or hat. Then I thought well, I have enough yarn to make a doll, upside down. Usually, using LoomAHat’s Tiny Doll pattern, you knit from the legs up. With the head done I decided to finish with the legs. It worked!

I like how the combinations of yarns gave an interesting pantsuit for this guy.

My sock babies turned out like this:

It makes it look like they are in cocoons with their arms out of the binding.

Just because they begged for a selfie together:

It looks like the little ones are falling asleep while the bigger kid is in charge. Or is that just me and my crazy imagination?


Fat Doll

I’ve made a bunch of these comfort dolls. Yet this is the biggest one. Reminds me of the Pilsbury Dough Boy,

Finished Friday

Yep, I finished another pair of socks. These are the same pattern as I posted last Friday. They are all the same yarn and color though the cell camera just doesn’t capture them the same. They are now in the donations bag.

There was enough of that yarn left over to make these cute booties on the KB fine-gauge baby bootie loom. Two-by-two cuff, German rows heel, drawstring toe.

Then I started missing making the dolls so I made another. I made him a little longer in the legs and arms than I usually do. I think I like that better. My biggest mistake was not stuffing the whole doll and then sewing closed. I tied the neck first but that makes the head too wrinkly. Note to self: don’t do that next time.

The basic instruction for these dolls are in this tutorial:

How was your week? Have a great weekend and Happy Labor Day!



The above double toy (finished today), from following instructions Denise of Loomahat.com on this YouTube tutorial:

Though I like making the blanket and getting better at it, I don’t like sewing on the bits and pieces. I think they are cute and I think someone will find comfort in this toy, I need a break. And I bet you guys need something else to look at here.

But I had to share the toy because of the prompt for today’s challenge of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Thank you Linda G. Hill for the fun prompts!


It is 9:08PM. Until two minutes ago I had no idea what I had to offer you for today’s blog. Then I looked out the window. Here is what I captured west to east and west (trees are in the west) again.


And the sunset is still beautiful at 9:30PM. I love Summer for this beauty! And the sound of the frogs outside.

Oh, and I finished this little guy yesterday:

If you want to learn how, head over to LoomAHat.com or watch this YouTube. I use a much smaller loom and short row the arms so I don’t have to sew them on. And this time I used safety eyes. I think they’re cuter!


Between here and FaceBook, the answer was overwhelming. Sadly as I didn’t want to sew anything else. But I guess you all were right as I think they are cute.

Funny how maroon they look when it is really a rich brown with beige. And the hats are bigger than I caught with my cell. The eyes are black and the noses beige so it is not as light as it appears in the picture. Again, this is loosely LoomAHat’s Tiny Doll. The tutorial can be found here:

Finished Friday

Yep, there are more dolls! Still a lot of body parts to sew and stuff. But two finished! Yay!

The doll on the right has sewn on eyes. The one on the left has the childproof eyes. Since this latest batch of dolls is going to people with dementia or Alzheimer’s so I think I can get by with these. I don’t like sewing and I need lots of light for putting the doll together. So I can’t work on them at night. That’s when I do the rest of my knitting.

The dolls are based on LoomAHat’s tiny doll. I work my newest ones on the KB baby bootie fine gauge loom that has 24 pegs like the one Denise uses on this YouTube tutorial.

Loom Knitting News

Here are some of my latest creations for charities:]

These little guys are fun to make. Thanks to LoomaHat.com for teaching us how to make them. The big one I made on the KK 24 peg. The little one I did on my Martha Stewart 24 peg loom which is much smaller. It’s fun to see how different they turn out. I usually use up my scrap yarn on these.


Hey, everyone! Here is my very first needle knitted hat! I started with a provisional cast on and then alternated inches of purls with inches of knits and even cast off first with the circular needles, then finally on four Double Point Needles. Please allow me a moment of awesome pride. Okay. I’m over it.


So, my brother and my son said this looked more like a young lion. But it is a cow. This is one of Scarlett Royal’s inventions. Okay, so I should have used more tan color but this is what I had. I think a kid will like it. The curlycue of yarn on top is the bow holding the label telling about the Hat Hugger group I get the donated yarn from and who gives our creations to the charities.


This lion was fun to make but the mane is hard for me. I count to nine without knitting fairly well. Keeping track of nine rows of two seems impossible. So some lanks of mane came out too long. I just took some ribbons and tied them fancy like the Cowardly Lion in Emerald City. Notice the pink arm. I ran out of the yarn I used on the rest of the lion as I reached the last arm. Since these go to kids in the clinic I figured I’d give him a cast. Hopefully, this guy will find a kid with a cast to commiserate with.



This is many shots of the same dragon and his little hat for a baby sibling. He likes the mouse. He thinks he is supposed to ride on it. He’s just a baby dragon and doesn’t know better. By the way, the lion and the dragon are Scarlett Royal patterns, too. I love her minis best and the sheriff here in town as requested I make a lot of these as he loves handing them out to the homeless kids or kids at the clinic. Because they are tiny and are easy for the kids to hold and enjoy. If the sheriff wants minis I make minis, what can I say?



I really enjoyed making this hat and love how it turned out. It was made on KB white loom with the small gauge. I just did three knits and three purls (rib stitch) all the way to the top. Because of the small gauge, it took quite a while to finish. The yarn is bumpily but very soft. It has that gradual color change that works up so cool. I have a ton of this that I took from Hat Huggers because it is so soft. So I am making another one with smaller rib stitch pattern. I think this will make a good hat for someone who might have bad/no hair days. It’s so soft and fits low on the head. I have to admit I am tempted to keep it. I won’t. But I can wish.

Sunday Smile

This little guy came into being today. Tomorrow A Bear! (I hope!)



Since the prompt of the day is any word that starts with inter-  and I wanted to share my newest interknitted interests.


I think this one looks like a pixie or a brownie or something from Peter Pan. The green eyelash yarn interknitted with the brown makes it look like punk hair or pixie hair!

I still have a few projects that take a lot of time going on interspersing harder looming with easier looming so as to keep my hands from hurting. So I am still working on the sock that you’ve seen before, and a baby hat that is double interknitted. Another doll needs stuffing and sewn together.

If only there weren’t so many interruptions that make me interact!

Oh, and let me interject the person who caused this verbal intercourse: Linda G Hill!



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