Tag Archive: weather

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: ends with “ound.” Find a word (or words) that ends with “ound” and use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter L

Since The month of Flounder that word seems in the front of my brain. It obviously fits both and neither of the prompts. So I’ll continue to flounder about in this stream.

It is a real storm outside thunder and lightning giving us a show. But thunder doesn’t fit the prompts.  I did unplug electronics and between flashes and noise I’m writing this on my phone.

Not my own picture.

The sound of the rain hitting our window ranges from pounding to soothing. I am bound to the view, but soon I’ll be found in bed. You know that time when you round up all the stuff to carry to the bedroom.

But the storm has me all wound up.  So back to watching out the window.


Sometimes it’s best to stop and listen to the rain.

Sometimes, it is just so beautiful!

Per Linda

This one liner from my good friend on Facebook. Thanks Yve! I know how you feel! I can’t wait for walking weather!

The Snow Kept on FallingThe Snow Kept on Falling by Kathie McQueary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Thank you, Cheryl. This was fun. I do have the child’s point of view about snow. I get very excited. And yes, I understand why Gramma said what she said. We have had snow around Halloween. But it never stuck. So when it started snowing on All Saints Day, November 1st, I figured it would melt away. Guess what? It still hasn’t melted a bit. It isn’t as deep as the picture book’s snow. But the snow is still here because we haven’t gotten above freezing for this month, often hitting nearly double minus digits. Sadly, it isn’t that fluffy stuff of the first snow. This is the dangerous to walk or drive on snowy ice. The kind my husband broke his shoulder in a few years ago.

This fun book reminded me of the Henry and Ramona stories I read to my children. I felt the cold and smelled the hot chocolate. As a mother, I relived dressing my kids in the snowsuit on the few snow days we had back then. Over and over, strip, dry, redon the suits, rinse and repeat. It’s worth searching out and reading. In fact, my friend led me to read it on Open Library  . I also found it on LibraryThing  . I must admit that I wouldn’t pay $26 for this book, even if the pictures are retro fun.

View all my reviews

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “zip, zero, zilch.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Have fun!

Zipping through hours of Diamond Painting and loom knitting socks. And I am having so much fun listening to book 8 of Outlander.

When our weather guy gave us the latest news on our drought, we found zero improvement. We are still at “exceptional” status. Worse than anywhere in Oregon. We are in the Outback or desert. But this has been the driest year since we got here. I have to admit to being really afraid of fire season coming up.

Now, I’ve got to confess, I’ve had yWriter7 open since I woke up early this morning. Zilch. But I promise all of us I will meet my 20k goal before bed tonight. Otherwise I count on zero, zip, zilch sleep.

Autobiographies/memoirs are far harder than making it up in you head and playing with imaginary friends!
Whew! 20,100 words! And that only has me to age 21. So many I’ll set the goal for 20k each month to keep it moving

At least I can sleep tonight.

My friend shared this with me. I thought it was cool!

Fresh off the loom;

Spa socks! Because they are cotton they are great after shower and lotion.

Diamond Painting is the new meditation.

It feels like I’m painting geodes. I love these colors!

By the way, it was pretty today, though cold. But snow is expected tonight in an hour. Crazy ‘Spring’ weather.

On the home-stretch with the spa slippers. I’d love to find a bunch of this twisted cotton. It feels good to my hands and I bet it’ll feel great to freshly-lotioned feet.
I will probably finish this dragon tomorrow. With this weather, I may never get outside again.
Last night at Kali’s midnight outside. Today snow blizzard conditions so as not to see a mile and then shiny blue skies. Trying to keep track of the season!

I lowered my goal for CampNaNo. 25k instead of 50k. Now I have less pressure and more fun ahead.

One-Liner Wednesday

A walk completed on the Spring day in the week of seasons.

Snow yesterday, pleasant today, 80 tomorrow, back to snow Monday.

Here’s the latest projects that have seen progress.

Most of the wing, arm, to the waist, done. I am loving this project. Wish my body let me stay with it more.
Charity yarns, charity socks. I think they will be striped or scrappy.

Spa sock for a gift. This is cotton and acrylic. Very soft and will work well for post bath and lotion

This wool doesn’t have enough strength to be socks so after trying and frogging twice, I decided to make a hat or two.

I did get a new scene going for editing book 2. Not as much as I want but, hey, it’s something. Progress.

We got a little rain and snow this morning, but I think we are into Spring again. The mesquite bushes are getting leaves. I do hope we get more spring showers. Our area is in exceptional level of draught. That is dryer than extreme.

Happy Spring, everyone!

For a little old lady puppy, Kali breaks my heart with cute. For some reason, she looks like a little hand puppet as she climbs into bed at night.

A gift my hubby bought both of us. Not the expensive, does everything Fitbit, but it does keep track of the basics. Now I just need to get used to wearing it. And then it needs to be warmer than 32 outside so walks won’t hurt.

This weekend we might get rain. I’m thinking wellies, raincoat and umbrella and rain dance of thankfulness.

unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


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