Tag Archive: wind

57 Days of Snow

Last night the hairdryer of the world blew. It felt like our home was going to fly away. Today there is very little snow. Mostly water or ice. It snowed here November 1st. Snow piled up over the month. Here’s how it looks now:

Yuck. What a mess!

No worries. More snow is expected by this evening and for the rest of the week. But rain will be here when the wind stops.

It’s been over 32 at night so we feel like it’s summer, kicking off blankets and turning on fans.

Snow is pretty and covers all the weeds. Bonus is insects die out. Those last flies hung out until nearly December! But finally gone.

I hope you all are safe and weather your weather, which is far worse than ours.

Sock on the right will be finished tomorrow. Hopefully, the left will be done by Monday.

Speaking of Monday, my first cataract surgery is happening at 12:55pm. I’m nervous and excited.

Will I finish this weekend? I hope so.

The writing is doing okay. The memory not so much. I took the readers through all my 11 houses the first couple years of my married life in my twenties. I suddenly remembered a room that my mother-in-law help me rescue but I couldn’t remember which home it was in. Suddenly I realized I had left out the first home we bought. There was the room!

May has gotten off on quite the path! May Day, May the Fourth Be With You, Cinco de Mayo, not a flower or margarita in sight. Tons of winds and a little rain.

A hat nearing the decrease of crown.
Another couple of inches of dragon. Loving it! I’m not sure but I think I’ve added another hour of sleep as it is so meditative to work on.

The biggie is my CampNano. I am still in the years of vague memories. Though today I’ll move into my seventh year. Word count is 5,407. As soon as I post the blog I’ll get busy writing more. It is different writing memories as opposed to imagination.

So walking was walking at home. The wind was so bad there is no way it can be healthy to breathe a sky that looks like this.

It is only a mile to the main highway. You can’t see it. So…

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “tree.” Use the word “tree” or write about a tree. Any kind of tree. Enjoy!

When I saw the prompt I planned a whole different stream. I thought it would be about putting our Christmas trees up, today. But it has been so cold and windy that all I could do was knit under the electric lap blanket.

The other topic was going to be about working on my diamond art projects. I did watch a bunch of YouTube videos about how to get started.

The only way this stream hits the word ‘tree’ can only show up is how our trees are bending towards the east from these horrible cold winds. We have been promised snow. But I beginning to feel deceived.

Once it snows it’ll be warmer. The humidity makes everything better.

This was a few weeks of ago. The trees are naked now. I hope they are still standing tomorrow.

No W-A-L-K

Imagine this conversation.

Kali: Do we get to walk today?

Me: No, it’s too windy.

Kali: (insert cuss words here)

So I tried to show her how the shrubs were blown flat in places and stuff was flying and you couldn’t see but maybe ten miles for the dust.

Suddenly I hear ‘A wee mo whap, a wee mo whap, In the Jungle…’

In the sun but protected by the sagebrush, the owner of the property (here before we moved here). We think she is a female, just in case we ever get the chance to see for sure, she is either Jasmine or he is Jasper.


That’s the best picture of her so far. She looks like our indoor cat, Teddy.

Who has run away from home and found outside was a horrid place. Now he spends his days on my bed, purely serene in the warmth and comfort. He loves that I put on the old pink blanket to protect my bed as he thinks it is just his special place.

Per Linda:  Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ingle.” Find a word that contains “ingle” and use it any way you’d like in your post. Have fun!


Remember when it was beginning to look a lot like Winter? Let’s just say we skipped Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day and went straight for March! The snow melted as if a giant hairdryer as been going for days. That rumbling outside is actually the wind, not Krampus. And that jingling you hear is a witch’s bell on her bicycle!

When Kali goes outside I stay inside. I stand on the warm side of the storm door. That whistling-whooshing makes me expect the biggest monster drooling to eat my poor pup.

Is my house going to leave the isolation of the desert and try to fly to mingle with others in the big cities where it is still Christmas?

I wish I could grab a can of Pringles. This wind makes me nervous! (Yeah, that was a freebie.) I’d have to go out in the bluster and live through it! Besides, the town has already rolled up the carpet and gone to bed. A single can of Pringles, is that too much to ask? Just thinking of shaking that can, gives me a tingle.

Okay, that is as far as my stream takes me. Those who can: Mingle!




“Nah, it’s winter. How’s the soup?”

‘SIP’ “Sipped”

“And the bread?”

‘SLURP’ “Sopped.”

“The tab?”

Diner leaves the cafe quickly and shouts, “SEP!”

Waiter shouts back, “What’s that mean?”

Teen on a cell nearby mumbles, “Somebody Else’s Problem.”

You can find others using this theme once you check in on Linda G. Hill’s site. Some are far more clever than mine.

How about a few knitted projects to add some visual interest?

Loomed mostly flat-wrap knit with e-wrapped portions.


Needle knitted



Both sets loom knitted. I think this was a Loom a Hat pattern. It was so easy and I loved these slippers so much I almost kept them. They were SO soft. I think someone will love them as much as I did.



I love making these tiny comfort dolls. It is one of Loom a Hat’s patterns I have memorized so that I don’t have to read a pattern or watch YouTube.


My ADD Saturday Stream is taking me to the next binge. UnReal on Hulu. I hate reality shows. First of all, you know they aren’t, right? Real, I mean. This show gives ideas as to how unreal these shows are. Yet this show has interesting writing. I like how the topics are current and addressed in creative, if not, horrible ways. Have you watched it? What did you think?

Oh, and yesterday I started on the Better Call Saul. Funny, mostly.

I watch UnReal with my husband as we seek something interesting while TV goes on hiatus. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I watch in the living room during the day and my brother and son join me. Shows I really like, the guys don’t, so when I need alone time I’ll pull out a feminist movie and watch them all seek out their own entertainment. If I need more bodies in the living room to keep it warm put on a guy show. Crazy how that works! 😉

The wind is blowing in a storm. We are expecting snow tomorrow. The noise outside is crazy! I expect to see a witch riding a bicycle by the window at any moment. I took poor Kali out a while ago and she nearly crashed into the door as I tried to hold it open against the gale. Hey. Have you noticed that? Dorothy Gale got taken in the tornado!

Okay, it’s late enough that the stream of consciousness is overpowering me. Flood of consciousness more like.


Mariah Keeps Blowing

So this ark is still surrounded by more than a foot of water and snow. The wind is blowing in the next rain/snow storm. Here are some new pictures I took this morning.img_20170205_1401063_rewind_kindlephoto-493350

See the red gas can (empty)? It used to be under the kitchen window. It is either the tide or the wind that carried it to the far east of our property. And you can still see lots of snow. In fact, we have to carry the dog to higher snow to do her business.


Anyone who would dare to come visit or even the poor UPS guy will have to walk on the ladder then to the bit of snow to get to the first step of our front porch. We are taking care of a poor stray cat and usually feed him under the front porch. But now have to feed on the steps. Somehow, he is getting to the food. But how he does it without swimming I can’t figure out.

I just ordered some knee-high rainboots. My brother has some and has been the main person to carry but when he goes back to work (which isn’t tomorrow as the whole town is going through this) I will be able to carry her out.

Though this place has the happy name of Christmas Valley, the county name is LAKE. Now I know why!


Petualang Baru

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