Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “Last/Lest/List/Lost.” Use them in any form you like. Use one, use two or use them all. Bonus points if you use all four. I’ll chip in extra bonus points if you use the word formed from the missing vowel in a well mannered way, but behave yourselves lest you lose all you bonus points… Enjoy!

Thanks Linda for the prompt. Thank you Dan of No Facilities for helping us out on this Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Lest you all think I don’t have an Afghan to finish, let me list what still needs to be done.

1. Finish the last panel. I got nearly one third finished as of this moment. It’s going fast but may not get done today. Let’s hope I do.

2. Sew the panels together.

3. Put on an anti-curl trim.

4. Find pretty paper and a card.

5. Mail to the happy couple.

Let’s hope my fingers and back hold out. I don’t usually set a deadline on my projects. But this one is important. If I don’t get it done by Monday, all is not lost. But having the looming date helps me stay focused.

Still no picture. I promise before I mail it to capture the image.

So, back to work for me.

Happy Fall!