Category: Cats

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is β€œhat.” Use it literally or metaphorically. Have fun!

“Hat…” Was mentioned twice here. It was the first thing I thought of with the prompt.

Hat sunglasses, sunscreen. My mantra before a walk.

But keep this under your hat, I sometimes don’t. I know I should. But sometimes getting out there is hard enough without adding more tasks.

Hat, hate, that, oops can’t follow that stream, especially when adding an ‘S’. Well, hats, works. Just don’t put the ‘S’ at the beginning.

Okay, stream gave up to vapor. But I wanted to share the finished dragon. No straightening or frame, but diamonds are in place.😊


And new painting has been kitted up.

My kitchen can’t wait for this cutie.

What is this Gobbledygook? “Dogs and cats living together” <— A quote as I remember from Ghostbusters. But yet here it is as I documented this morning. Maybe so much rigamarole. I don’t know. See for yourself.

Teddy and Kali on a quiet Sunday morning.

I don’t think there’s a natural hatred between the two species. I do know if either animal appreciates the sudden intrusion of the other. But most nights they share my bed. And do so in such a way to leave an inch or two for the human. How do they, such smallish creatures, manage to take over? Maybe it isn’t Gobbledygook! Maybe they are looking for global domination?

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 2nd, 2020, is β€œgobbledygook.” Use the word β€œgobbledygook” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Ta Da and Teddy Tuesday

First the TaDa:

KB fine-gauge Flexee 20 links. Tie-up starting with Kitchener cast-on. German short-row heel. Cuff two-by-two purl/knit. Stretchy cast-off. Now passed on to charity.

Now the Teddy update.

As you may have noticed, I have many names for this feline, and he reenacts them all at will. Saint Theodore. That’s when he does a CAT scan and finds my hurty spots and purrs it away. It works like a miracle. Not for others in the house, but for me, it is true. Then there’s Teddy, the Terrorist. That is the demon that has decided we can’t have nice things. No matter how many scratching posts or pads we get, he chooses the arms of the furniture, even the newest chair. It’s embarrassing to have scratched up furniture, but he’s the one in charge of our Feng Sui. Teddy the terrific: That’s the one that is having zoom meetings down the hallway. No, not the kind people have. The kind of crazy cats and dogs have running around to show their joy of life. After three days of antibiotics on board, and Tedster seems back to his original multi-personable self. I’m so happy he’s back! And the plus is that he is quite talkative now, and he hasn’t been since he was a kitten. I’m so delighted!

Misery Monday

Well, not for me necessarily.  In fact, my day ended looking like this.

For Teddy, it was a horrid day that has lasted 24 hours. After a long trip
in the car (four hours) and a stressful time at the vet, he was tired. So he
slept until I finally started to get to sleep at 1 AM. At that point, he
started drooling again. Chris got up to give him the pain meds. Not one I like
the idea of. Gabapentin.

They told me to video the subsequent seizure so they could tell more about
it. So I got up to follow The Tedster around. He vocalized his unhappiness with
the world for a couple hours. I swear he likes to pace and chat. He told me
about Mariah. Said a lot more things, and sometimes it felt like he said,
‘Anyways.’ So maybe he likes Ms. Carey’s Christmas albums or something? By the
time he was circling the coffee table, it wasn’t so loud as a constant chat. He
finally had said enough. He hopped up onto my lap and fell asleep. 4 AM. I’d
listened and given the support that whole time. I was exhausted. But getting up
from the chair was nearly impossible as tired as I was.

I managed to get back to bed. Wow! Having pets is more challenging sometimes
than having human baby newborns! Or maybe that’s why Septuagenarians don’t have

My son and I managed to get in a bit of walk. We didn’t make the mile
because Kali got tired. I nearly had to drag her home. We stopped as she caught
her breath. I gave her water. But she didn’t drink. We got back home, and she
crashed on the couch. So I guess she’s next to see the vet. She doesn’t run out
of energy. This is odd. Maybe Teddy kept her awake, too?

Well, maybe I should take the hint and go to bed while I can!

sleep glasses

Crazy Sunday

This sweetie scared me to tears this morning. He’s been more vocal than usual. He sounds like a newborn when he cries.

Suddenly he was on the table drooling and running in circles. He fell off the table and still drooling and more chasing his tail, then suddenly he was on the floor seizing.

I thought for sure he was dying. He’s my buddy! No!

Then he calms down. I called the vet and they asked us to bring him in.

He has had a bad tooth infection. So we figured it was back.

Teddy loves to ride in cars. He came to us as a kitten.

My son’s girlfriend was driving from Garden Grove to Reno. She chose to drive at night. Less traffic, cooler. Just as she got into the car this ginger kitten jumped in.

It was too late to see who he belonged to. She did have her mom call around and never found his owner.

He loved the trip. She bought a kitty litter, food and water for him at a pit stop.

He loved the moving trip here five years ago.

I tried to find the picture couldn’t find it. Sorry.

Anyway, he loved the trip to the vet today, in spite of his pain.Β 

The vet said he declined the butt-temp check, he declined the check for the the bad tooth, and he declined the poke for hydration. I think that was kind for he wasn’t about to have any of that!

The vet did manage to give him an antibiotic shot that should last two weeks and she gave us some pain killer if he should be in pain.

The trip home was so nice as he loved watching the world go by or nap.

Now we’re all home and ready to sleep.


I started my morning glancing at The Sound of One Hand Typing and found his answers to the Share Your World questions provoking.

Here are the


What do you believe but cannot prove?

I just read and reviewed How to Die In Space. Wormholes were the thing Mr. Sutter said was the least likely item out there. Yet how would Star Trek, Farscape, or even Doctor Who get around without them? See? Case in point! They have to exist!

A little more serious. I do believe in the power of prayer. Not like I learned at church, but what I have absorbed metaphysically. When I pray, I feel I take the time to put my mind onto something or someone; I find the energy flows and have seen results. Often, I find my prayer worded so that I need to revise on occasions to be the most loving outcome for all. No, I cannot be the one that brought about the result. That means whether my hope went one way or the other, the result is out of my hands. Love is in charge. In that case, then, I believe, God/Goddess is love.

Do animals have morals?   Exclude human beings from the equation please. 

Here is the question that John Holton and I differ on. And from the mere observable point of view watching our cats. I suggest, like every group, there are terrific and rotten and variants between.

I had a cat who took in some other cat’s kittens. Kimberlina raised these kittens, caring for them like they were her own. With four kids in the house, she became mother number two. She would lead me to see naughtiness in the works. Many other cats we’ve had were not as morally beautiful. But in cat-world, we believe she was a saint.

Meet Kimberlina, Kimby for short. She’s the big one on the right. The kitten is a foster my son, not the one pictured, but the one who worked at a pet store brought home knowing Kimby would be good at taking care of it. Kimby came to us when she couldn’t even hold up her head. Her eyes were closed. We couldn’t find anyone with milk for her, so we used plain yogurt, and she seemed to like and thrive from it. We had her, I think, for 17 years. Through divorce and a million moves. (Exaggerate much?)

In fact, this very balcony was where she decided to see if she could fly. We were on the second story. Talk about scared! But the kids (who were late teens and early adults) found her and brought her home. She hid under my bed for a couple nights. One night I couldn’t handle it anymore. I whispered out to her. She came out. She shook it out. Jumped up on the bed with me and seemed just fine for another six years. Gosh, how we all miss her! It’s been 20 years, and we all still talk about her with tears just below the surface.

Thanks for the memories!

Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

Wow! Nature prevails over the chaos and chance, I think. Chaos, like forest fires, may kill everything in the area, and yet before long new life exists in the burnt areas. Look at Chernobyl. Nature has managed what we humans haven’t. The above chaos is manmade. But hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, etc., can kill everything off, but Nature brings life back.

Where is your least favorite place in the world?

I’ve not been very far in the world. But I bet I can universally narrow this down. Offices full of cubicles. I can’t think of any I could ever handle again, no matter what country or planet it resides in. I have met some really awesome people in that work environment and am still friends with them. But I couldn’t survive another moment in that kind of place.

GRATITUDE SECTION (Participation Always Optional

Feel free to share something about the seasons that makes you smile!

Growing up in Southern California, we had Summer and warm everything else. So when we moved here in Outback Oregon, we have most of the seasons. I’m smiling at the upcoming summer is showing its face. The following is probably done for a while.

But this is today:

This last picture is the same mesquite bush that was full of snow in January’s picture. Sadly, we still need to drip water at night. But I was in T-shirt while taking the greenery above and only a little chilly. Yay! Warm is coming!

Just Jot It January–Storm

We have had small storms this winter. This one was a couple weeks ago. I think we got an inch of snow. Today we had clear skies and mud instead of snow. My friends and family have had nasty storms, getting 6-8 inches. I know for a lot of people it is dangerous if not a chilly inconvenience. But I love the snow. I grew up in Southern California, where the only way we saw snow was on visits to the mountains.

A different kind of storm worried our minds as we thought that Rosey, our black polydactyl cat, might have something bad wrong with her. My husband took her to the vet today. He was impressed by how beautiful she looked. All her tests were in the normal range. The sad thing is we still don’t have anything for her spells. Every now and then, she seems to turn summersaults and moves around on her elbows and knees. She defecates and vomits and needs to stay in the dark quiet. Then she recovers and is quite fine ready to eat and play. The vet says it is neurological, and there isn’t much we can do but ride the spells out. If they start coming more often, we’ll be forced to make decisions that are not so comfortable to think about.



Just Jot It January is a fun prompt by Linda G. Hill.

Finished Friday, NaNo Version

With the distractions of Steve Kornacki and his magic with math, (gosh, I wish I could do math like that, I have to use paper and pencil on more than single digits!) a great zoom meet with friends, worries of new stats of COVID19, getting around to actually writing was almost impossible.

But I did manage to finish another ear-warmer and start a slipper sock.

If it were not so late and needing to do the word count before midnight I would reorder how I am presenting this. But, reality. So…

I hardly ever get a good picture of Rosey. But there she was looking right at me in a place where she didn’t blend in. The light was good. But this is how that went:

Yeah, I’m not worried about taking a photographer’s job away. But isn’t she shiny?!


Okay, NaNo results. I was able to flesh out Violet. I really like her. I will run a search with her descriptions and see who she looks like tomorrow. Meanwhile, I did manage 1,705 with the grand total being 11,086. That makes me nearly ecstatic! The goal for today was to be 10,002.

Time for bed!

This Guy


Has had us scared for the last couple days. Falling instead of jumping off beds. Walking around like a drunk. Last night I felt him and he was cold and not moving. He’s about thirteen, so too young to leave this world.

My touching him was irritating. He left my bed for another.

We took him to the vet today. We think it is an inner ear infection. She started him with an antibiotic shot with more drops for us to continue twice a day for the duration. He’s back to eating and drinking.

He loves traveling, even when he’s sick. He got out of the carrier to watch the world go by. Nearly three hours of his favorite pastime. Even if he was the only drunk in the truck. πŸ˜‰

Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

I have nothing to report today. All is well, bad tooth seems to be behaving properly. Though not as hot as earlier this week, it was still warm enough to be draining. So the day was spent playing games on the phone, or knitting while watching the Jurassic Park trilogy and an early evening siesta. Oh, and I managed two loads of laundry, washing in the morning and drying right now at 9:30. I just didn’t want to add to the heat.

Kali gave me chuckles. She looks at us like we ordered this weather and we should fix it. She lays around all day. Then around 7, she wanted out. The breeze was amazing. I nearly joined her as she frolicked all around the yard. Jumping like a white rabbit all over. I knew if I tried that I’d break a leg, but I enjoyed her romping.

The heat affects the cats a little differently. They find places on the floor to just spread eagle. Teddy (my ginger) loves the towel I have on the bathroom floor in front of the shower. He likes things that are close to his color. Rosey (my black polydactyl) is more like my young kids were. If they were too hot they wanted to snuggle and share the warmth. Ugh! You love the love, but the heat!

The sunset this evening was beautiful but I was too busy to take a picture. I think it is so colorful because of the fires on the other side of the mountains. I feel bad for the people living closer to that mess. Still, it is gorgeous. Maybe it is time to take some pics of everything. Ah, but that would take effort, and there are clothes to fold.

Happy Sunday everyone!


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